Developer Reference for Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library for C

ID 766684
Date 3/22/2024

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Forms the 1-norm of a complex vector similar to Level 1 PBLAS p?asum, but using the true absolute value.


void pscsum1 (MKL_INT *n , float *asum , MKL_Complex8 *x , MKL_INT *ix , MKL_INT *jx , MKL_INT *descx , MKL_INT *incx );

void pdzsum1 (MKL_INT *n , double *asum , MKL_Complex16 *x , MKL_INT *ix , MKL_INT *jx , MKL_INT *descx , MKL_INT *incx );

Include Files

  • mkl_scalapack.h


The p?sum1function returns the sum of absolute values of a complex distributed vector sub(x) in asum, where sub(x) denotes X(ix:ix+n-1, jx:jx), if incx = 1, X(ix:ix, jx:jx+n-1), if incx = m_x.

Based on p?asum from the Level 1 PBLAS. The change is to use the 'genuine' absolute value.

Input Parameters


(global). The number of components of the distributed vector sub(x). n 0.


(local )

Pointer into the local memory to an array of size lld_x * LOCc(jx+n-1). This array contains the local pieces of the distributed vector sub(X).


(global) The row index in the global matrix X indicating the first row of sub(X).


(global) The column index in the global matrix X indicating the first column of sub(X)


(local) Array of size dlen_=9. The array descriptor for the distributed matrix X.


(global) The global increment for the elements of X. Only two values of incx are supported in this version, namely 1 and m_x.

Output Parameters



The sum of absolute values of the distributed vector sub(X) only in its scope.

See Also