Developer Reference for Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library for C

ID 766684
Date 3/22/2024

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Performs element by element multiplication of vector a element and conjugated vector b element.


vcMulByConj( n, a, b, y );

vsMulByConjI(n, a, inca, b, incb, y, incy);

vmcMulByConj( n, a, b, y, mode );

vmsMulByConjI(n, a, inca, b, incb, y, incy, mode);

vzMulByConj( n, a, b, y );

vdMulByConjI(n, a, inca, b, incb, y, incy);

vmzMulByConj( n, a, b, y, mode );

vmdMulByConjI(n, a, inca, b, incb, y, incy, mode);

Include Files

  • mkl.h

Input Parameters





const MKL_INT

Specifies the number of elements to be calculated.

a, b

const MKL_Complex8* for vcMulByConj, vmcMulByConj

const MKL_Complex16* for vzMulByConj, vmzMulByConj

Pointers to arrays that contain the input vectors a and b.

inca, incb, incy

const MKL_INT

Specifies increments for the elements of a, b, and y.


const MKL_INT64

Overrides global VM mode setting for this function call. See vmlSetMode for possible values and their description.

Output Parameters





MKL_Complex8* for vcMulByConj, vmcMulByConj

MKL_Complex16* for vzMulByConj, vmzMulByConj

Pointer to an array that contains the output vector y.


The v?MulByConj function performs element by element multiplication of vector a element and conjugated vector b element.

Specifications for special values of the functions are found according to the formula

MulByConj(x1+i*y1,x2+i*y2) = Mul(x1+i*y1,x2-i*y2).

Overflow in a complex function occurs (supported in the HA/LA accuracy modes only) when all RE(x), RE(y), IM(x), IM(y) arguments are finite numbers, but the real or imaginary part of the computed result is so large that it does not fit the target precision. In this case, the function returns in that part of the result, raises the OVERFLOW exception, and sets the VM Error Status to VML_STATUS_OVERFLOW (overriding any possible VML_STATUS_ACCURACYWARNING status).