Developer Reference for Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library for C

ID 766684
Date 3/22/2024

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Reduces a generalized eigenvalue problem with a Hermitian matrix to a standard eigenvalue problem using packed storage.


lapack_int LAPACKE_chpgst (int matrix_layout, lapack_int itype, char uplo, lapack_int n, lapack_complex_float* ap, const lapack_complex_float* bp);

lapack_int LAPACKE_zhpgst (int matrix_layout, lapack_int itype, char uplo, lapack_int n, lapack_complex_double* ap, const lapack_complex_double* bp);

Include Files

  • mkl.h


The routine reduces generalized eigenproblems with Hermitian matrices

A*z = λ*B*z, A*B*z = λ*z, or B*A*z = λ*z.

to standard eigenproblems C*y = λ*y, using packed matrix storage. Here A is a complex Hermitian matrix, and B is a complex Hermitian positive-definite matrix. Before calling this routine, you must call ?pptrf to compute the Cholesky factorization: B = UH*U or B = L*LH.

Input Parameters


Specifies whether matrix storage layout is row major (LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR) or column major (LAPACK_COL_MAJOR).


Must be 1 or 2 or 3.

If itype = 1, the generalized eigenproblem is A*z = lambda*B*z

for uplo = 'U': C = inv(UH)*A*inv(U), z = inv(U)*y;

for uplo = 'L': C = inv(L)*A*inv(LH), z = inv(LH)*y.

If itype = 2, the generalized eigenproblem is A*B*z = lambda*z

for uplo = 'U': C = U*A*UH, z = inv(U)*y;

for uplo = 'L': C = LH*A*L, z = inv(LH)*y.

If itype = 3, the generalized eigenproblem is B*A*z = lambda*z

for uplo = 'U': C = U*A*UH, z = UH*y;

for uplo = 'L': C = LH*A*L, z = L*y.


Must be 'U' or 'L'.

If uplo = 'U', ap stores the packed upper triangle of A; you must supply B in the factored form B = UH*U.

If uplo = 'L', ap stores the packed lower triangle of A; you must supply B in the factored form B = L*LH.


The order of the matrices A and B (n 0).

ap, bp


ap contains the packed upper or lower triangle of A.

The dimension of a must be at least max(1, n*(n+1)/2).

bp contains the packed Cholesky factor of B (as returned by ?pptrf with the same uplo value).

The dimension of b must be at least max(1, n*(n+1)/2).

Output Parameters


The upper or lower triangle of A is overwritten by the upper or lower triangle of C, as specified by the arguments itype and uplo.

Return Values

This function returns a value info.

If info=0, the execution is successful.

If info = -i, the i-th parameter had an illegal value.

Application Notes

Forming the reduced matrix C is a stable procedure. However, it involves implicit multiplication by inv(B) (if itype = 1) or B (if itype = 2 or 3). When the routine is used as a step in the computation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the original problem, there may be a significant loss of accuracy if B is ill-conditioned with respect to inversion.

The approximate number of floating-point operations is n3.