Agilex™ 5 FPGAs and SoCs Device Data Sheet

ID 813918
Date 11/25/2024
Document Table of Contents

Transmitter Specifications

Table 71.  Transmitter Electrical Specifications For specification status, see the Data Sheet Status table
Parameter Symbol Description Condition Min Typical Max Unit
On-chip termination Transmitter differential on-chip termination resistors 80 90 120
Transmitter output eye specifications VTX-DIFF-PKPK Back-porch transmit amplitude 300  1,050 mV
VTX-DEEMP_STEP Transmitter tap resolution 2 %
DTX-PRE_TAP_2 Pre-cursor tap 2 de-emphasis 0 2.5 dB
DTX-PRE_TAP_1 Pre-cursor tap 1 de-emphasis 0 4.5 dB
DTX-POST_TAP_1 Post-cursor tap 1 de-emphasis 0 6.5 dB
TTX-SLEW Rise/fall time at 20%–80% 10 20 ps
TTX-DJ Transmitter deterministic jitter at 25 Gbps 0.15 UIpkpk
TTX-RJ Transmitter total peak-peak random jitter129 At BER of 10-12 0.15 UIpkpk
TTX-TJ Transmitter total peak-peak jitter (TTX-TJ = TTX-DDJ + TTX-PJ + TTX-RJ)129 130 At BER of 10-12 0.28 UIpkpk
Transmitter DC impedance ZTX-DIFF-DC Transmitter output differential DC impedance with OCT 90 Ω mode while configured131 80 90 120
ZTX-CM-DC Transmitter output common-mode DC impedance 20 22.5 30
Transmitter return loss ZRL-DIFF-DC Transmitter differential DC return loss –12 dB
ZRL-DIFF-NYQ Transmitter differential return loss at Nyquist frequency (FBAUD/2) –6 dB
ZRL-CMN Transmitter common-mode return loss below 10 GHz –6 dB
Electrical idle VTX-IDLE Electrical idle output voltage PCIe*/SATA/SAS/USB 20 mV
VCM-DELTA-SQUELCH Maximum common-mode step entering/exiting squelch mode 100 mV
TTX-IDLE-LATENCY Latency entering/exiting electrical idle 8 µs
Receiver detect VTX-RCV-DETECT Receiver detect voltage change allowed during receiver detection PCIe*/SATA/SAS/USB 600 mV
Lane-to-lane output skew Lane-to-lane output skew 4 < Lane count ≤ 8 2 UI + 250 ps ps
Lane count ≤ 4 2 UI + 166 ps ps
129 Assume a 1st order high-pass jitter measurement filter with a cutoff of FBAUD/FGPLL = NGPLL, where NGPLL is the ratio of the 3 dB cutoff frequency to the data rate, with typical value of 1,667.
130 The maximum TJ value is slightly less than the sum of DDJ + PJ + RJ to take into consideration of the worst case probability, where both deterministic and random jitter component might present at the same time.
131 TX pins are driven to 0 V before configuration.