Intel® Agilex™ Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual

ID 683567
Date 2/14/2023

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Document Table of Contents NAND Flash Controller

The bootstrap control register (nand_bootstrap) modifies the default behavior of the NAND flash controller after reset. The NAND flash controller samples the bootstrap control register bits when it comes out of reset.

The following nand_bootstrap register bits control configuration of the NAND flash controller:

  • Bootstrap inhibit initialization bit (noinit)—inhibits the NAND flash controller from initializing when coming out of reset, and allows software to program all registers pertaining to device parameters such as page size and width.
  • Bootstrap 512-byte device bit (page512)—informs the NAND flash controller that a NAND flash device with a 512-byte page size is connected to the system.
  • Bootstrap inhibit load block 0 page 0 bit (noloadb0p0)—inhibits the NAND flash controller from loading page 0 of block 0 of the NAND flash device during the initialization procedure.
  • Bootstrap two row address cycles bit (tworowaddr)—informs the NAND flash controller that only two row address cycles are required instead of the default three row address cycles.

You can use the system manager's nand_l3master register to control the following signals:


These bits define the cache attributes for the master transactions of the DMA engine in the NAND controller.

Note: Register bits must be accessed only when the master interface is guaranteed to be in an inactive state.