Intel® Agilex™ Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual

ID 683567
Date 2/14/2023

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Document Table of Contents cmd Register Settings for Single-Block and Multiple-Block Reads†

Table 148.  cmd Register Settings for Single-Block and Multiple-Block Reads (Default)
Parameter Value Comment
start_cmd 1 This bit resets itself to 0 after the command is committed.
use_hold_reg 1 or 0 Choose the value based on speed mode used.
update_clk_regs_only 0 Does not need to update clock parameters
data_expected 1 Data command
card_number 1 For one card
transfer_mode 0 Block transfer
send_initialization 0

1 for a card reset command such as the SD/SDIO GO_IDLE_STATE command

0 otherwise

stop_abort_cmd 0

1 for a command to stop data transfer such as the SD/SDIO STOP_TRANSMISSION command

0 otherwise

send_auto_stop 0 or 1 Refer to Auto Stop for information about how to set this parameter.
read_write 0 Read from card
response_length 0

1 for R2 (long) response

0 for short response

response_expect 1 or 0

0 for commands with no response, such as SD/SDIO GO_IDLE_STATE, SET_DSR, and GO_INACTIVE_STATE.

1 otherwise

Table 149.  cmd Register Settings for Single-Block and Multiple-Block Reads (User Selectable)
Parameter Value Comment
wait_prvdata_complete 1 or 0

0 - sends command to CIU immediately

1 - sends command after previous data transfer ends

check_response_crc 1 or 0

0 - Controller must not check response CRC

1 - Controller must check response CRC

cmd_index Command Index Set this parameter to the command number. For example, set to 17 or 18 for SD/SDIO READ_SINGLE_BLOCK (CMS17) or READ_MULTIPLE_BLOCK (CMD18)