Intel® Agilex™ Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual

ID 683567
Date 2/14/2023

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Document Table of Contents FPGA-to-HPS Example Transactions Summary Table

Table 77.  Transaction Summary Table
ATTRIBUTE FPGA-to-SDRAM direct (Cache Non-Allocate) FPGA-to-HPS to SDRAM/OCRAM (Cache Non-Allocate) FPGA-to-HPS to SDRAM/OCRAM (Cache Allocate) FPGA-to-HPS to PERIPHERALS (Device Non-Bufferable) NOTE
ARDOMAIN[1:0] ’b00 ’b01 ’b01 ’b01

‘b00 = Non-shareable

‘b01 = Inner Sharable

ARBAR[1:0] ‘b00 ‘b00 ‘b00 ‘b00 Normal access, respecting barriers
ARSNOOP[3:0] ‘b0000 ‘b0000 ‘b0000 ‘b0000 ReadNoSnoop or ReadOnce
ARCACHE[3:0] ‘b0010 or ‘b0011 ‘b1011 ‘b1111 ‘b0000
AWDOMAIN[1:0] ‘b00 ’b01 ’b01 ’b01

‘b00 = Non-shareable

‘b01 = Inner Sharable

AWBAR[1:0] ‘b00 ‘b00 ‘b00 ‘b00 Normal access, respecting barriers
AWSNOOP[2:0] ‘b000 ‘b000 ‘b000 ‘b000 WriteNoSnoop or WriteUnique
AWCACHE[3:0] ‘b0010 or ‘b0011 ‘b0111 ‘b1111 ‘b0000
AxUSER[7:0] ‘b11100000 ‘b00000100 ‘b00000100 ‘b00000100 0xE0 = SDRAM direct 0x04 = CCU
AxPROT[2:0] ‘b0xx ‘b0xx ‘b0xx ‘b0xx

AxPROT[2]= data/instruction

AxPROT[1]= secure/non-secure

AxPROT[0]= unprivileged/privileged

The burst length for:
  • WRAP burst type must be 1, 2, 4, 8 or 16 transfers.
  • INCR burst type is 1 to 256 transfers.
AxSIZE[2:0] The number of bytes in a transfer must be equal to the data bus width
AxBURST[1:0] ‘b01 or ‘b10 ‘b01 or ‘b10 ‘b01 or ‘b10 ‘b01 or ‘b10 Must be INCR(‘b01) or WRAP(‘b10)
AxLOCK[1:0] ‘b00 ‘b00 ‘b00 ‘b00 Must be normal access
AxQOS Do not care