Intel® Agilex™ Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual

ID 683567
Date 2/14/2023

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21.4.6. Interrupts

The assertion of the UART interrupt output signal occurs when one of the following interrupt types are enabled and active: †

Table 209.  Interrupt Types and Priority †

Interrupt Type



Interrupt Reset Control

Receiver line status


Overrun, parity and framing errors, break condition.

Reading the line status Register.

Received data available


Receiver data available (FIFOs disabled) or RCVR FIFO trigger level reached (FIFOs enabled).

Reading the receiver buffer register (FIFOs disabled) or the FIFO drops below the trigger level (FIFOs enabled)

Character timeout indication


No characters in or out of the Receive FIFO during the last 4 character times and there is at least 1 character in it during this Time.

Reading the receiver buffer Register.

Transmit holding register empty


Transmitter holding register empty (Programmable THRE Mode disabled) or Transmit FIFO at or below threshold (Programmable THRE Mode enabled).

Reading the IIR register (if source of interrupt); or, writing into THR (FIFOs or Programmable THRE Mode not enabled) or Transmit FIFO above threshold (FIFOs and Programmable THRE Mode enabled).

Modem Status


Clear to send or data set ready or ring indicator or data carrier detect. If auto flow control mode is enabled, a change in CTS (that is, DCTS set) does not cause an interrupt.

Reading the Modem status Register.

You can enable the interrupt types with the interrupt enable register (IER_DLH).

Note: "Received Data Available" and "Character Timeout Indication" are enabled by a single bit in the IER_DLH register, because they have the same priority.

Once an interrupt is signaled, you can determine the interrupt source by reading the Interrupt Identity Register (IIR).