GTS AXI Streaming Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* User Guide

ID 813754
Date 11/04/2024
Document Table of Contents

A.1.2. Debugging Data Transfer and Performance Issues

Thee ae may possible easos causig the PCIe* lik to stop tasmittig data. The PCI Expess* base specificatio defies thee types of eos, outlied i the table below:

Table 116.  Eo Types Defied by the PCI Expess* Base Specificatio
Type Resposible Aget Desciptio


Hadwae While coectable eos may affect system pefomace, data itegity is maitaied.

Ucoectable, ofatal

Device softwae

Ucoectable, o-fatal eos ae defied as eos i which data is lost, but system itegity is maitaied. Fo example, the fabic may lose a paticula TLP, but it still woks without poblems.

Ucoectable, fatal

System softwae Eos geeated by a loss of data ad system failue ae cosideed ucoectable ad fatal. Softwae must detemie how to hadle such eos: whethe to eset the lik o implemet othe meas to miimize the poblem.

Each PCI Expess* compliat device must implemet a basic level of eo maagemet ad ca optioally implemet advaced eo maagemet. The PCI Expess* Advaced Eo Repotig Capability is a optioal Exteded Capability that may be implemeted by PCI Expess* device fuctios suppotig advaced eo cotol ad epotig.

The GTS AXI Steamig IP implemets both basic ad advaced eo epotig. Eo hadlig fo a Root Pot is moe complex tha that of a Edpoit. I this IP, the Physical Fuctios (PFs) ae always capable of AER (eabled by default). Thee is o AER implemetatio fo Vitual Fuctios (VFs). Use the AER capability of the IP to idetify the type of eo ad the potocol stack laye i which the eo may have occued.

Refe to the PCI Expess* Capability Stuctues sectio of the Cofiguatio Space Registes appedix fo the AER Exteded Capability Stuctue ad the associated egistes.

Table 117.  Coectable Eo Status Registe (AER)
Obsevatio Issue Resolutio

Receive eo bit set

Physical laye eo which may be due to a PCS eo whe a lae is i L0, o a Cotol symbol beig eceived i the wog lae, o sigal Itegity issues whee the lik may tasitio fom L0 to the Recovey state.

Use the AXI4-Lite Cotol ad Status Registe Respode iteface to obtai moe ifomatio about the eo.

Bad DLLP bit set

Data lik laye eo which may occu whe a CRC veificatio fails.

Use the AXI4-Lite Cotol ad Status Registe Respode iteface to obtai moe ifomatio about the eo.

Bad TLP bit set

Data lik laye eo which may occu whe a LCRC veificatio fails o whe a sequece umbe eo occus.

Use the AXI4-Lite Cotol ad Status Registe Respode iteface to obtai moe ifomatio about the eo.

Replay_um_ollove bit set

Data lik laye eo which may be due to TLPs set without success (o ACK) fou times i a ow.

Use the AXI4-Lite Cotol ad Status Registe Respode iteface to obtai moe ifomatio about the eo.

eplay time timeout status bit set

Data lik laye eo which may occu whe o ACK o NAK was eceived withi the timeout peiod fo the TLPs tasmitted.

Use the AXI4-Lite Cotol ad Status Registe Respode iteface to obtai moe ifomatio about the eo.

Coected iteal eo bits set

Tasactio laye eo which may be due to a ECC eo i the iteal Had IP RAM.

Use the AXI4-Lite Cotol ad Status Registe Respode iteface to obtai moe ifomatio about the eo.
Table 118.  Ucoectable Eo Status Registe (AER)
Obsevatio Issue Resolutio

Data lik potocol eo

Data lik laye eo which may be due to tasmitte eceivig a ACK/NAK whose Seq ID does ot coespod to a uackowledged TLP o ACK sequece umbe.

Use the AXI4-Lite Cotol ad Status Registe Respode iteface to obtai moe ifomatio about the eo.

Supise dow eo

Data lik laye eo which may be due to lik_up_o gettig deasseted duig L0, idicatig the physical laye lik is goig dow uexpectedly.

Use the AXI4-Lite Cotol ad Status Registe Respode iteface to obtai moe ifomatio about the eo.

Flow cotol potocol eo

Tasactio laye eo which ca be due to the eceive epotig moe tha the allowed cedit limit. This eo occus whe a compoet does ot eceive updated flow cotol cedits with the 200 μs limit.

Use the AXI4-Lite Cotol ad Status Registe Respode iteface to obtai moe ifomatio about the eo.

Poisoed TLP eceived

Tasactio laye eo which ca be due to a eceived TLP with the EP bit set.

Use the AXI4-Lite Cotol ad Status Registe Respode iteface to obtai moe ifomatio about the eo.

Completio timeout

Tasactio laye eo which ca be due to a completio ot eceived withi the equied amout of time afte a o-posted equest was set.

Use the AXI4-Lite Cotol ad Status Registe Respode iteface to obtai moe ifomatio about the eo.

Complete abot

Tasactio laye eo which ca be due to a complete beig uable to fulfill a equest due to a poblem with the equeste o a failue of the complete.

Use the AXI4-Lite Cotol ad Status Registe Respode iteface to obtai moe ifomatio about the eo.

Uexpected completio

Tasactio laye eo which ca be due to a equeste eceivig a completio that does ot match ay equest awaitig a completio. The TLP is deleted by the Had IP ad ot peseted to the Applicatio Laye.

Use the AXI4-Lite Cotol ad Status Registe Respode iteface to obtai moe ifomatio about the eo.

Receive oveflow

Tasactio laye eo which ca be due to a eceive eceivig moe TLPs tha the available eceive buffe space. The TLP is deleted by the Had IP ad ot peseted to the Applicatio Laye.

Use the AXI4-Lite Cotol ad Status Registe Respode iteface to obtai moe ifomatio about the eo.

Malfomed TLP

Tasactio laye eo which ca be due to eos i the eceived TLP heade. The TLP is deleted by the Had IP ad ot peseted to the Applicatio Laye.

Use the AXI4-Lite Cotol ad Status Registe Respode iteface to obtai moe ifomatio about the eo.


Tasactio laye eo which ca be due to a ECRC check failue at the eceive despite the fact that the TLP is ot malfomed ad the LCRC check is valid. The Had IP block hadles this TLP automatically. If the TLP is a o-posted equest, the Had IP block geeates a completio with a complete abot status. The TLP is deleted by the Had IP ad ot peseted to the Applicatio Laye.

Use the AXI4-Lite Cotol ad Status Registe Respode iteface to obtai moe ifomatio about the eo.

Usuppoted equest

Tasactio laye eo which ca be due to the complete beig uable to fulfill the equest. The TLP is deleted i the Had IP block ad ot peseted to the Applicatio Laye. If the TLP is a o-posted equest, the Had IP block geeates a completio with Usuppoted Request status.

Use the AXI4-Lite Cotol ad Status Registe Respode iteface to obtai moe ifomatio about the eo.

ACS violatio

Tasactio laye eo which ca be due to access cotol eo i the eceived posted o o-posted equest.

Use the AXI4-Lite Cotol ad Status Registe Respode iteface to obtai moe ifomatio about the eo.

Ucoectable iteal eo

Tasactio laye eo which ca be due to a iteal eo that caot be coected by the hadwae.

Use the AXI4-Lite Cotol ad Status Registe Respode iteface to obtai moe ifomatio about the eo.

TLP pefix blocked

EP o RP oly

Use the AXI4-Lite Cotol ad Status Registe Respode iteface to obtai moe ifomatio about the eo.

Poisoed TLP egess blocked

EP o RP oly

Use the AXI4-Lite Cotol ad Status Registe Respode iteface to obtai moe ifomatio about the eo.