GTS AXI Streaming Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* User Guide

ID 813754
Date 11/04/2024
Document Table of Contents

6.4. Configuration Intercept Interface

The Cofiguatio Itecept Iteface (CII) allows the applicatio logic to detect the occuece of a Cofiguatio (CFG) equest o the lik ad to modify the equest. It follows the AXI-Steam iteface potocol with a eady valid hadshake ad suppots a maximum of oe outstadig equest at a time.

The GTS AXI Steamig IP povides CII moitoig capability. CII moitoig featue is used to moito the cofiguatio wite cycle that happes with o itetio to oveide the values beig witte. Whe the CII moitoig featue is eabled, oly the Cofiguatio Itecept Request Iteface is exposed ad ot the Cofiguatio Itecept Respose Iteface. The GTS AXI Steamig IP decodes the CII equest eceived ad outputs it o Cofiguatio Itecept Request Iteface if it is a wite equest. CII halt deassetio happes towads the HIP afte the shadow egistes opeatio is doe, without depedig o p0_app_ss_st_ciiesp_tvalid.