GTS AXI Streaming Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* User Guide

ID 813754
Date 11/04/2024
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A.2.3. Launching the Agilex™ 5 Debug Toolkit

To use the Agilex™ 5 Debug Toolkit, dowload the .sof file to a Agilex™ 5 device. The, ope the System Cosole ad load the desig to the System Cosole as well. Loadig the .sof file to the System Cosole allows the System Cosole to commuicate with the desig usig NPDME. NPDME is a JTAG-based Avalo® memoy-mapped maste. It dives the Avalo® memoy-mapped slave itefaces i the PCIe* desig. Whe usig NPDME, the Quatus® Pime softwae isets the debug itecoect fabic to coect with JTAG.

Hee ae the steps to complete these tasks:
  1. Use the Quatus® Pime Pogamme to dowload the .sof file to the Agilex™ 5 device.
    Note: To esue coect opeatio, use a full istallatio of the Quatus® Pime Po Editio softwae ad devices of the same vesio of the Quatus® Pime Pogamme ad the Quatus® Pime Po Editio softwae that you used to geeate the .sof file.
    Note: A stadaloe istallatio of the Quatus® Pime Po Editio Pogamme ad Tools does ot wok.
  2. To load the desig ito System Cosole:
    1. Lauch the Quatus® Pime Po Editio softwae.
    2. Stat System Cosole by choosig Tools, the System Debuggig Tools, the System Cosole.
    3. O the System Cosole File meu, select Load desig ad bowse to the .sof file.

    4. Select the .sof file ad click OK. The .sof file loads to the System Cosole.
  3. The System Cosole Toolkit Exploe widow lists all the DUTs i the desig that have the Agilex™ 5 Debug Toolkit eabled.
    1. Select the DUT with the Agilex™ 5 Debug Toolkit you wat to view. This opes the Debug Toolkit istace of that DUT i the Details widow.

    2. Click agilex5_debug_toolkit to ope that istace of the Toolkit. Oce the Debug Toolkit is iitialized ad loaded, the followig message i the Messages widow appeas:

    3. A ew widow Mai view appeas with a view of all the chaels i that istace.