Visible to Intel only — GUID: jlh1711334224873
Visible to Intel only — GUID: jlh1711334224873
4.15. Precision Time Measurement (PTM)
Pecisio Time Measuemet (PTM) eables pecise coodiatio of evets acoss multiple compoets with idepedet local time clocks. Odiaily, such pecise coodiatio would be difficult give that idividual time clocks have diffeig otios of the value ad ate of chage of time. To wok aoud this limitatio, PTM eables compoets to calculate the elatioship betwee thei local times ad a shaed PTM Maste Time: a idepedet time domai associated with a PTM Root. Each PTM Root supplies PTM Maste Time fo a PTM Hieachy.
The PTM Requeste of the GTS AXI Steamig IP automatically updates PTM cotext (statig dialogs) whe eabled. It ca be cofigued to be a automatic tigge evey 1 to 10 ms (cofiguatio i the IP paamete edito)_o a maual tigge though use iput (ptm_maual_update) oly.
- Clock stops o us at the wog fequecy (fo example, whe the lik speed is chagig)
- PTM is disabled
- PTM espose timeouts (the equeste estats the PTM dialog whe the auto-update o maual update stat coditios ae met)
- A duplicate PTM TLP is eceived o a eplay TLP is set (if waitig fo a espose the equeste waits fo 100 μs sice the last o-duplicate equest was set, befoe allowig a ew PTM dialog to be stated)
Whe usig PTM betwee two compoets o a PCIe* lik, the Upsteam Pot, which acts o behalf of the PTM Requeste, seds PTM Requests to the Dowsteam Pot o the same Lik, which acts o behalf of the PTM Respode as show i the figue above.
The poits t1, t2, t3, ad t4 epeset timestamps captued locally by each Pot as they tasmit ad eceive PTM Messages. The compoet associated with each Pot stoes these timestamps fom the fist PTM dialog i iteal egistes fo use i the secod PTM dialog, ad so o fo subsequet PTM dialogs.
I the secod PTM dialog, the Dowsteam Pot populates the PTM ResposeD message based o timestamps stoed duig pevious PTM dialogs, the fomat is show i the figue below. It cotais PTM Maste Time, which is t2’, ad popagatio delay, which is t3-t2.
PTM Maste Time at t1’= t2' - [((t4-t1) - (t3-t2))/2]