GTS AXI Streaming Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* User Guide

ID 813754
Date 11/04/2024
Document Table of Contents PCIe0/PCIe1 Device

Table 32.   GTS AXI Streaming IP Parameters: PCIe* 0/ PCIe* 1 Device Tab
Parameter Value Default Setting Description
Maximum payload size supported
  • 128 Bytes
  • 256 Bytes
  • 512 Bytes
512 Bytes

Sets the read-only value of the max payload size of the Device Capabilities register and optimizes for this payload size.

Function level reset
  • True
  • False
False Enables function level reset. This option is available when Enable multiple physical functions is enabled. It is enabled by default when Enable SR-IOV support is enabled.
Enable multiple physical functions
  • True
  • False

Enables multiple physical functions.

When you set Enable multiple physical functions to True, the following option is available:

Total physical functions (PFs)

14 1

Sets the number of physical functions (PFs). The IP can support 1–4 PFs.

Enable SR-IOV support
  • True
  • False

Enables the SR-IOV support.

When you set Enable SR-IOV support to True, the following option is available:

Total virtual functions of physical function 0 (PF0 VFs)


Note: 256 is the total virtual functions shared among the physical functions.

Sets the number of virtual functions (VFs) to be assigned to the physical functions (PFs).

Example of maximum VFs of the PFs:

If PF0 and PF1 is enabled with PF0 VFs set to 200.

Maximum PF1 VFs = 256 - 200 = 56.

When you set Enable SR-IOV support to True and provide a Total physical functions (PFs) value greater than 1, the following option is available:

Total virtual functions of physical function 1 (PF1 VFs)

When you set Enable SR-IOV support to True and provide a Total physical functions (PFs) value greater than 2, the following option is available:

Total virtual functions of physical function 2 (PF2 VFs)

When you set Enable SR-IOV support to True and provide a Total physical functions (PFs) value greater than 3, the following option is available:

Total virtual functions of physical function 3 (PF3 VFs)