Visible to Intel only — GUID: lnl1711334671389
Visible to Intel only — GUID: lnl1711334671389
4.17. Transaction Layer Packet (TLP) Bypass Mode
- The upsteam pot o the dowsteam pot of a switch.
- A custom implemetatio of a Tasactio Laye to meet specific use equiemets.
Whe the TLP Bypass featue is eabled, the PCIe* Had IP does ot pocess eceived TLPs iteally but outputs them to the use applicatio. This allows the applicatio to implemet a custom Tasactio Laye. I the TLP Bypass mode, the PCIe* Had IP does ot geeate/check the ECRC ad does ot emove it if the eceived TLPs has the ECRC by default.
The GTS AXI Steamig IP i TLP Bypass mode still icludes some of the PCIe* cofiguatio space egistes elated to lik opeatio. It itefaces with the applicatio logic via the AXI-Steam iteface (fo all TLP taffic), the AXI-Lite iteface (fo Lite TL's cofiguatio egistes access) ad othe miscellaeous sigals.
I the TLP Bypass mode, the PCIe* Had IP suppots the autoomous Had IP featue. It espods to cofiguatio accesses befoe the FPGA fabic etes use mode with Completios with a CRS code. Howeve, i the TLP Bypass mode, Cofiguatio-via-Potocol (CvP) is ot suppoted.