GTS AXI Streaming Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* User Guide

ID 813754
Date 11/04/2024
Document Table of Contents

4.8.4. BAR Number Format

The BAR Numbe idicates matchig BAR fo MMIO tasactio comig fom HOST side.
Note: BAR Numbe is oly applicable i Edpoit mode.
BAR Numbe Desciptio
0000 BAR 0 (whe cofigued as 32-bit BAR), o BAR 0-1 (whe cofigued as 64-bit BAR)
0001 BAR 1 (whe cofigued as 32-bit BAR); eseved whe BAR 1 is combied with BAR 0 to fom a 64-bit BAR
0010 BAR 2 (whe cofigued as 32-bit BAR), o BAR 2-3 (whe cofigued as 64-bit BAR)
0011 BAR 3 (whe cofigued as 32-bit BAR); eseved whe BAR 2 is combied with BAR 3 to fom a 64-bit BAR
0100 BAR 4 (whe cofigued as 32-bit BAR), o BAR 4-5 (whe cofigued as 64-bit BAR)
0101 BAR 5 (whe cofigued as 32-bit BAR); eseved whe BAR 4 is combied with BAR 5 to fom a 64-bit BAR
0111 Expasio ROM BAR
all othes Reseved