GTS AXI Streaming Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* User Guide

ID 813754
Date 11/04/2024
Document Table of Contents

3.2. Configuring and Generating the GTS AXI Streaming IP

Adhee to the followig pocedue to geeate the GTS AXI Steamig IP i stadaloe mode.

  1. Use the Quatus® Pime Po Editio softwae to ceate a Quatus Poject ad select the equied device. Cuetly, oly Agilex™ 5 (E-Seies) device suppots the GTS AXI Steamig IP (fo example, A5ED065BB32AE5SR0).
  2. The GTS AXI Steamig Itel® FPGA IP fo PCI Expess* paamete edito allows you to quickly cofigue you custom IP vaiatio. Ivoke the IP paamete edito usig the followig steps to specify IP coe optios ad paametes i the Quatus® Pime Po Editio softwae.
    1. Select GTS AXI Steamig Itel® FPGA IP fo PCI Expess* i the IP Catalog.
    2. A New IP Vaiat widow appeas. Specify a top-level ame fo you ew custom IP vaiatio. The IP paamete edito saves the IP vaiatio settigs i a file amed <you_ip>.ip.
    3. Click Ceate. The IP paamete edito appeas.
    4. Specify the paametes fo you IP coe vaiatio. Fo ifomatio about specific IP coe paametes, efe to the IP Paamete sectio.
  3. Geeate the GTS AXI Steamig Itel® FPGA IP fo PCI Expess* .
    1. Click Geeate HDL. The Geeatio dialog box appeas. Specify output file geeatio optios.
    2. Click Geeate. This allows you to geeate a GTS AXI Steamig IP i the stadaloe mode with the IP vaiatio files ae geeated accodig to you specificatios.
    3. Click Close. The IP paamete edito adds the top-level.ip file to the cuet poject automatically. If you ae pompted to maually add the .ip file to the poject, click Poject > Add/Remove Files i Poject to add the file.
    4. Use the Geeate Example Desigs box to geeate the GTS AXI Steamig IP as pat of a Quatus geeated dyamic desig example which istatiates the GTS AXI Steamig IP with the chose paametes, alog with a basic applicatio ad softwae dives to u the Pogammable Iput Output (PIO) type taffic tests.