Visible to Intel only — GUID: zgf1711161170441
Visible to Intel only — GUID: zgf1711161170441
A.2.5. Using the Agilex™ 5 Link Inspector
The Lik Ispecto is foud ude the PCIe Lik Ispecto tab afte opeig the Debug Toolkit.
The Lik Ispecto is eabled by default whe the Eable Debug Toolkit is eabled.
Whe the Dump LTSSM Sequece to Text File butto is iitially clicked, a text file (ltssm_sequece_dump_p0.txt) with the LTSSM ifomatio is ceated i the locatio fom whee the System Cosole widow is opeed. Depedig o the PCIe topology, thee ca be up to fou text files. Subsequet LTSSM sequece dumps ae appeded to the espective files.
LTSSM State | Time (s) | LTSSM State # 0x0 DETECT_QUIET | 5284883 | 0 0x1 DETECT_ACTIVE | 197 | 1 0x2 POLLING_ACTIVE | 25399190 | 2 0x5 PRE_DETECT_QUIET | 1050 | 3 0x0 DETECT_QUIET | 640830 | 4 0x1 DETECT_ACTIVE | 297 | 5 0x2 POLLING_ACTIVE | 25307183 | 6 0x3 POLLING_COMPLIANCE | 17897600 | 7 0x2 POLLING_ACTIVE | 65697 | 8 0x4 POLLING_CONFIG | 24558927 | 9 0x7 CONFIG_LINKWD_START | 147 | 10 0x8 CONFIG_LINKWD_ACCEPT | 893 | 11 0x9 CONFIG_LANENUM_WAIT | 1827 | 12 0xa CONFIG_LANENUM_ACCEPT | 127 | 13 0xb CONFIG_COMPLETE | 1097 | 14 0xc CONFIG_IDLE | 1070 | 15 0x11 L0 | 50 | 16 0xd RECOVERY_LOCK | 487 | 17 0xf RECOVERY_RCVRCFG | 3137 | 18 0xe RECOVERY_SPEED | 2627750 | 19 0xd RECOVERY_LOCK | 40 | 20 0x20 RECOVERY_EQ0 | 10485737 | 21 0x21 RECOVERY_EQ1 | 257 | 22 0x22 RECOVERY_EQ2 | 9357540 | 23 0x23 RECOVERY_EQ3 | 12973550 | 24 0xd RECOVERY_LOCK | 133 | 25 0xf RECOVERY_RCVRCFG | 453 | 26 0x10 RECOVERY_IDLE | 63 | 27 0x11 L0 | 187 | 28 0xd RECOVERY_LOCK | 790 | 29 0xf RECOVERY_RCVRCFG | 2323 | 30 0xe RECOVERY_SPEED | 2235913 | 31 0xd RECOVERY_LOCK | 40 | 32 0x20 RECOVERY_EQ0 | 14500 | 33 0x21 RECOVERY_EQ1 | 197187 | 34 0x22 RECOVERY_EQ2 | 5052290 | 35 0x23 RECOVERY_EQ3 | 8748963 | 36 0xd RECOVERY_LOCK | 73 | 37 0xf RECOVERY_RCVRCFG | 243 | 38 0x10 RECOVERY_IDLE | 40 | 39 0x11 L0 | - | Cuet The cuet LTSSM state is: L0
Each LTSSM moito has a FIFO stoig the time values ad captued LTSSM states. Whe you choose to dump out the LTSSM states, eads ae depedet o the FIFO elemets ad ca empty out the FIFO.
The Lik Ispecto oly wites to its FIFO if thee is a state tasitio. I cases whee the lik is stable i L0, thee is o wite ad hece o text file is dumped.
Whe you wat to dump the LTSSM sequece, a sigle ead of the FIFO status of the espective coe is pefomed. Depedig o the empty status ad how may eties ae i the FIFO, successive eads ae executed.