Visible to Intel only — GUID: nok1711334703488
Visible to Intel only — GUID: nok1711334703488
4.18. Scalable IOV
Scalable IOV is a ewly developed Itel vitualizatio solutio tageted fo ext-geeatio CPU seve platfoms, such as fouth-geeatio Itel® Xeo® Scalable. Scalable IOV utilizes may existig PCI Expess capability stuctues to suppot softwae-based vitualizatio. Scalable IOV povides a moe cost-effective ad scalable vitualizatio scheme without elyig o physical fuctios ad vitual fuctios.
Istead of hadwae-based PF/VF esouces, the system softwae segmets the addess space ito Assigable Itefaces (AI). AI is a lightweight data stuctue that eplaces VFs. Cofiguatio space fo AIs is emulated by softwae; hece, hadwae suppot fo Scalable IOV is iexpesive.
Host softwae the uses the Pocess Space Idetified (PASID) TLP pefix to idex ito Guest Physical Addess (GPA) ad Host Physical Addess (HPA) tables ad taslate to a pope physical addess. Guest Opeatig System (OS) dives ca the be assiged oe o moe AIs by the Host OS/VM. I suppotig PASID pefixes, the GTS AXI Steamig IP passes the additioal 32-bit TLP pefix potio of the heade to the PLD fabic fo buildig soft logic-based AIs.
Usig a softwae-based appoach also povides a simplified solutio fo esouce migatio, as compaed to the SR-IOV VF migatio flow.