F-Tile Architecture and PMA and FEC Direct PHY IP User Guide

ID 683872
Date 11/04/2024

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7.2.9. Vertical Bathtub Curve Measurements (VBCM) Data

You can export the Vertical Bathtub Curve Measurements (VBCM) data to a comma-separated values (CSV).
Figure 139. VBCM Data Measurements
To capture the VBCM data, ensure that the receiver is receiving data and that CDR is locked to data. You must provide the Bit Error Rate for Eye Height and Bit Error Rate for Eye Height to be measured.
Note: The eye width measurements are not available in FHT designs.
You can set the directory path where the VBCM data is exported to by updating the Set Working Directory field in the Toolkit parameters tab as shown in the following figure. The toolkit remembers the last working directory that was set, and so when the toolkit is relaunched, the working directory remains as the last set directory.
Figure 140. Toolkit Settings for the Working Directory
To export the VBCM data, you must click on Export VBCM data to XLSX button in the GUI, which then displays the status of Running as shown in the following figure.
Figure 141. VBCM Data Export Running
When the export of the VBCM data completes, the GUI status displays Exported as shown in the following figure. The exported file can then be found in your working directory.
Figure 142. VBCM Data Export Complete
A sample of the exported data can be seen in the following image. It shows the BER and the respective positive and negative eye height.
Figure 143. Sample VBCM Exported Data