F-Tile Architecture and PMA and FEC Direct PHY IP User Guide

ID 683872
Date 11/04/2024
Document Table of Contents

3.1. F-Tile PMA/FEC Direct PHY Intel® FPGA IP Overview

The F-Tile PMA/FEC Diect PHY Itel® FPGA IP eables access to the PMA Diect ad FEC Diect modes via the Quatus® Pime IP paamete edito.

The PMA Diect mode bypasses the MAC, PCS, ad FEC Had IP block. You ca cofigue the PMA iteface, F-tile iteface, ad coe iteface FIFOs i the datapath ito i vaious modes, icludig elastic, phase compesatio, ad egiste mode.

The F-Tile PMA/FEC Diect PHY Itel® FPGA IP is fo use i popietay potocol cofiguatios. The IP is ot used as a basic buildig block i othe Itel F-tile high-speed potocol IP, such as Etheet, CPRI, ad Itelake. Rathe, each potocol IP has its ow cofiguatio of the PMA had block.

The followig figues show the PMA diect data path ad FEC diect data path with vaious clockig modes":

You ca use the PMA/FEC Diect PHY Itel FPGA IP to cofigue the datapath ito PMA o FEC diect mode. If you eable the FEC mode, the FEC block is eabled as well. The top-level file that geeates with the IP istace icludes all the available pots fo you cofiguatio. Use these pots to coect the F-Tile PMA/FEC Diect PHY Itel® FPGA IP to othe IP coes i you desig, such as the F-Tile Refeece ad System PLL Clocks Itel® FPGA IP, TX ad RX seial data pi IP, ad the data geeato ad data checke IP. Refe to the block diagam i F-tile PMA/FEC Diect PHY Desig IP Coectios.