F-Tile Architecture and PMA and FEC Direct PHY IP User Guide

ID 683872
Date 11/04/2024
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4.4. Guidelines for F-Tile Reference and System PLL Clocks Intel® FPGA IP Usage

You must adhee to the followig guidelies to coectly use the F-Tile Refeece ad System PLL Clocks Itel® FPGA IP:
  • You must oly have oe istace of the F-Tile Refeece ad System PLL Clocks Itel® FPGA IP pe F-Tile.
  • The F-Tile Refeece ad System PLL Clocks Itel® FPGA IP must always coect to the F-Tile PMA/FEC Diect PHY Itel® FPGA IP o potocol IPs. You caot compile o simulate the F-Tile Refeece ad System PLL Clocks Itel® FPGA IP as a stadaloe IP.
  • Oce the efeece clock fo the system PLL is up; it must be stable; it must be peset thoughout the device opeatio ad must ot go dow. If you ae ot able to adhee to this, you must ecofigue the device. Afte the tempoay loss of the system PLL efeece clock, you may obseve that the fist ty of device ecofiguatio fails. If that happes, you should ty to ecofigue the device a secod time.
  • You must coect the efeece clock ad system PLL output pots of F-Tile Refeece ad System PLL Clocks Itel® FPGA IP to iput of F-Tile PMA/FEC Diect PHY Itel® FPGA IP as show i Pot Coectio Guidelies betwee F-Tile Refeece ad System PLL Clocks Itel® FPGA IP ad F-Tile PMA/FEC Diect PHY Itel® FPGA IP o potocol IPs.
  • You must esue the efeece clock ad system PLL fequecies specified i F-Tile Refeece ad System PLL Clocks Itel® FPGA IP match efeece clock ad system PLL fequecies specified i F-Tile PMA/FEC Diect PHY Itel® FPGA IP o potocol IPs. Ay mismatch i fequecy esults i Quatus® Pime Po Editio softwae Suppot-Logic Geeatio failue.
  • You must eable at least oe system PLL pe F-Tile because this is a equiemet fo F-Tile cofiguatio to pass successfully. Eablig at least oe system PLL is equied eve whe the data path is usig PMA clockig mode. If you desig has oe system PLL eabled to be used fo system PLL clockig, you do ot eed a sepaate system PLL fo F-Tile cofiguatio. Whe you use the system PLL oly fo F-Tile cofiguatio (that is, whe all laes use the PMA clockig mode) the followig guidelies apply:
    • You must eable System PLL #0. If you eable System PLL #1 o System PLL #2, the Quatus® Pime Po Editio softwae Suppot-Logic Geeatio step fails.
    • The system PLL output must be ucoected. This is the oly exceptio whee you ca leave the system PLL output ucoected. I all othe sceaios you must always coect the system PLL output to F-Tile PMA/FEC Diect PHY Itel® FPGA IP o potocol IPs.
    • If you ae ot usig the FGT PMA, the efeece clock to system PLL coectio is ot ecessay (that is, you do ot eed to coect the efeece clock); howeve, if you coect a efeece clock, the cofiguatio completes faste.
    • If you ae usig the FGT PMA, the efeece clock to system PLL coectio is ecessay (that is, you must coect the efeece clock).
  • Whe you istatiate multiple itefaces o potocol-based IP coes withi a sigle F-Tile, you must use oly oe istace of the F-Tile Refeece ad System PLL Clocks Itel® FPGA IP to cofigue the followig:
    • All efeece clocks fo the FGT PMA (up to 10) ad the FHT PMA (up to 2) that ae equied to implemet those multiple itefaces withi a sigle F-Tile.
    • All FHT commo PLLs (up to 2) that ae equied to implemet those multiple itefaces withi a sigle F-Tile.
    • All system PLLs (up to 3) that ae equied to implemet those multiple itefaces withi a sigle F-Tile.
    • All efeece clocks fo system PLLs (up to 8, shaed with the FGT PMA) that ae equied to implemet those multiple itefaces withi a sigle F-Tile.
Whe you desig multiple itefaces o potocols based IP coes withi a sigle F-Tile, you ca oly use thee system PLLs. Fo example, you ca use oe system PLL fo PCIe ad two fo Etheet, PMA/FEC diect ad othe potocols 46. Howeve, thee ae othe use cases whee you ca use all thee fo vaious itefaces withi the Etheet ad PMA diect digital blocks. As thee ae oly thee system PLLs, multiple itefaces o potocol based IP coes with diffeet lie ates may have to shae a system PLL. While shaig a system PLL, the iteface with the highest lie ate detemies the system PLL fequecy, ad the itefaces with the lowe lie ates must be oveclocked.
All efeece clock, system PLL ad commo PLL selectio i the IP paamete edito ae logical. The .qsf assigmets map these logical selectio to physical esouces.
  • Although system PLL efeece clock souce lists te efeece clocks (efeece clock #0 to #9), oly eight physical efeece clocks ca clock the system PLL. Fo example, you could select efeece clock #10 as the system PLL efeece clock souce, but this must be physically mapped to FGT/System PLL efeece clock locatio 0 to 7 by specifyig the .qsf assigmets.
  • Whe you eable the FGT CDR Output (RX ecoveed clock output), you must physically map the coespodig FGT PMA to FGT Quad 2 o 3, ad you must physically map the FGT CDR Output (RX ecoveed clock output) to the FGT efeece clock locatio 8 o 9 (cofigued as output).
  • The total umbe of FGT/system PLL efeece clocks ad FGT CDR clock out that ae eabled must ot exceed 10.
46 You must use a sepaate system PLL fo the PCIe* potocol as compaed to othe o-PCIe potocols.