F-Tile Architecture and PMA and FEC Direct PHY IP User Guide

ID 683872
Date 11/04/2024
Document Table of Contents

7.2.3. Loading the Design to the Transceiver Toolkit

To lauch the toolkit, click ToolsSystem Debuggig ToolsSystem Debuggig Toolkits.

If the FPGA is aleady pogammed with the poject whe loadig, the tasceive toolkit automatically liks the desig to the taget hadwae i the toolkit. The toolkit automatically discoves liks betwee the tasmitte ad eceive of the same chael. Befoe loadig the desig, esue that you coect the hadwae with the Itel FPGA. The device ad JTAG coectios appea i the devices ad coectios foldes of the System Exploe pae as show i the followig figue.
Figue 126. System Exploe Pae
To load the desig ito the tasceive toolkit, follow these steps:
  1. I System Cosole, click FileLoad Desig.
  2. Select the .sof pogammig file fo the tasceive desig.

Afte loadig the poject, the desigs ad desig_istaces foldes i the System Exploe pae display ifomatio about the desig, such as the desig ame ad the blocks i the desig that ca commuicate to the System Cosole.