F-Tile Architecture and PMA and FEC Direct PHY IP User Guide

ID 683872
Date 11/04/2024
Document Table of Contents

4.2. IP Port List

The followig table lists the pots fo the IP; all pots ae 1-bit wide.

Table 100.   F-Tile Refeece ad System PLL Clocks Itel® FPGA IP Pot ListRefe to Pot Coectio Guidelies betwee F-Tile Refeece ad System PLL Clocks Itel® FPGA IP ad F-Tile PMA/FEC Diect PHY Itel® FPGA IP fo ecommeded coectios.
Pot Name Diectio Desciptio
i_efclk_fht_i Iput FHT efeece clock iput pot. Must be mapped to device efeece clock pi. Maximum of 2 (i = 0 to 1) pots of this type.
out_fht_cmmpll_clk_i Output FHT commo PLL output pot. Must be coected to potocol IPs, coected to FHT buildig-block. Thee ca be a maximum of 2(i = 0 to 1) pots of this type.
FGT ad System PLL
i_efclk_fgt_i Iput FGT ad system PLL efeece clock iput pot. Must be mapped to device efeece clock pi. This efeece clock pot ca be coected to FGT PMA, system PLL o both. Thee ca be a maximum of 10 (i = 0 to 9) pots of this type.
avmm_clk Iput
Avalo® memoy-mapped iteface clock. This pot is oly available whe at least oe of Refclk #i is active at ad afte device cofiguatio is set as Off. Altea ecommeds 100 to 250 MHz fo this clock.
Note: Statig with Quatus® Pime Po Editio softwae vesio 24.2, this pot o loge fuctios ad seves as a dummy pot fo backwad compatibility.
avmm_eset Iput
Avalo® memoy-mapped iteface eset. This pot is oly available whe at least oe of Refclk #i is active at ad afte device cofiguatio is set as Off.
Note: Statig with Quatus® Pime Po Editio softwae vesio 24.2, this pot o loge fuctios ad seves as a dummy pot fo backwad compatibility.
out_efclk_fgt_i Output FGT Refclk output pot. Must be coected to potocol IPs, coected to FGT buildig-block. Thee ca be a maximum of 10 (i = 0 to 9) pots of this type.
e_efclk_fgt_i Iput
FGT efeece clock status cotol sigal. This pot is oly available whe the coespodig Refclk #i is active at ad afte device cofiguatio set as Off. Thee ca be a maximum of 10 (i = 0 to 9) pots of this type.
  • 1'b0 -> 1'b1: Low to high tasitio eables Refclk #i
  • 1'b1 -> 1'b0: High to low tasitio disables Refclk #i
Note: Whe you use the Refclk #i oly fo the system PLL ad do ot shae it with the FGT PMA, you must still dive this pot accodig to the above equiemets to get the system PLL to fuctio coectly.
disable_efclk_moito_i Iput
FGT efeece clock moito cotol sigal. This pot is oly available whe the coespodig Refclk #i is used by the FGT PMA o the system PLL. Thee ca be a maximum of 10 (i = 0 to 9) pots of this type.
  • 1'b0: Eable Refclk #i moito ad potectio cicuit.
  • 1'b1: Disable Refclk #i moito ad potectio cicuit.
Altea ecommeds that you always eable the moito ad potectio cicuit by eithe divig this pot to 1'b0 o leavig it ucoected. This pot is exposed fo debuggig puposes. You should oly disable the moito ad potectio cicuit whe the system PLL behaves abomally.
Whe the Refclk #i becomes iactive, to pevet FGT PMA lae pefomace fom degadatio the followig coditios occu:
  • If the moito is eabled, a potectio cicuit acts automatically.
  • If the moito is disabled, you have to cotol the e_efclk_fgt_i to pefom high to low (1'b1 -> 1'b0) tasitio.
efclk_fgt_eabled_i Output

FGT efeece clock status sigal. This pot is oly available whe the coespodig Refclk #i is active at ad afte device cofiguatio is set to Off. Thee ca be a maximum of 10 (i = 0 to 9) pots of this type. Afte you asset the e_efclk_fgt_i sigal, this pot idicates the pesece of a efeece clock o the device pis.

  • 1'b0: Idicates Refclk #i is ot peset at the device pis
  • 1'b1: Idicates Refclk #i is peset at the device pis
This sigal has valid outputs oly whe Refclk #i moito is eabled.
Note: Whe you use the Refclk #i oly fo the system PLL ad do ot shae it with the FGT PMA, you must still moito this pot to make sue that the system PLL fuctios coectly.
i_cdclk_i Iput Iput pot fo FGT efeece clock cofigued as CDR output. This must be coected to potocol IP output CDR pot. Thee ca be a maximum of 2 (i = 0 to 1) pots of this type.
out_cdclk_i Output Output pot fo FGT efeece clock cofigued as CDR output. This must be coected to oe of two FGT efeece clock pis that ca be cofigued as CDR outputs. You must specify the locatio assigmet i the Quatus® Pime Po Editio softwae qsf settigs file fo coect fuctioality. Thee ca be a maximum of 2 (i = 0 to 1) pots of this type.
out_coeclk_i Output
FGT efeece clock output pot fo use logic. This pot is oly available whe the coespodig Expot Refclk #i fo use i use logic is set to O.
Note: This sigal caot diectly feed the efeece clock of the IOPLL Itel FPGA IP.
System PLL
out_systempll_clk_i Output Output pot of system PLL. This must be coected to system PLL clock iput of potocol IP. Thee ca be a maximum of 3 (i = 0 to 2) pots of this type.
out_systempll_sythlock_i Output System PLL lock status pot which idicates if system PLL is locked to icomig efeece clock. Thee ca be a maximum of 3 (i = 0 to 2) pots of this type. You ca use this pot as a status o debug sigal.
efclock_eady [2:0] Iput
System PLL efeece clock status cotol sigal. This pot is oly available whe all the eabled system PLL's coespodig Refclk #i is active at ad afte device cofiguatio ae set as Off.
  • bit[0] is used to cotol system PLL #0 efeece clock.
  • bit[1] is used to cotol system PLL #1 efeece clock.
  • bit[2] is used to cotol system PLL #2 efeece clock.

Whe system PLL #i is disabled, bit[i] ca be ay value ad does ot matte. Whe system PLL #i is eabled, afte the efeece clock is available, you must asset bit[i] to otify the system PLL to stat lockig to the icomig efeece clock.

efclock_status Output
System PLL efeece clock status sigal. This pot is oly available whe all the eabled system PLL's coespodig Refclk #i is active at ad afte device cofiguatio ae set to Off. Afte you asset the efclock_eady sigal, this pot idicates the pesece of a efeece clock o the device pis.
  • 1'b0: The efeece clock is ot peset at the device pis.
  • 1'b1: The efeece clock is peset at the device pis.
You ca also use the out_systempll_sythlock_i sigal to check the system PLL lock status.