Visible to Intel only — GUID: pna1602692723468
Visible to Intel only — GUID: pna1602692723468
2.2.8. Bonding Placement Rules
Whe multiple steams ae boded togethe, thee ae pe-defied, allowed locatios fo EMIBs ad laes based o factue type ad locatio.
Steams ad laes ae placed cotiguously i sequece. The pimay steam is placed at the highest EMIB umbe. The secoday steam is placed at the secod highest EMIB umbe. Subsequet steams ae likewise placed i descedig ode.
- The eight 25 Gbps PMA laes ae deoted as tx_seial_data[7:0].
- The allowed locatios fo pimay steam tx_seial_data[0] ae EMIB_23 ad EMIB_15.
- If EMIB_15 is selected, tx_seial_data[0] is assiged to FGT3_Quad1. Subsequetly, tx_seial_data[1] is assiged to EMIB_14 ad FGT2_Quad1; tx_seial_data[2] is assiged to EMIB_13 ad FGT1_Quad1, with subsequet steams followig the same patte.
- The 50 Gbps PMA lae is deoted as x_seial_data[0].
- The allowed locatios fo pimay steam x_seial_data[0] ae EMIB_7 ad EMIB_5.
- If EMIB_7 is selected, x_seial_data[0] is assiged to FGT3_Quad1, ad the secoday steam is assiged to EMIB_6 ad FGT2_Quad1.
The pimay lae ad steam must be active befoe ad afte dyamic ecofiguatio. Fo example, if you equie a Etheet iteface that suppots dyamic ecofiguatio betwee 200G-CR4 ad 100G-CR2 i 400G had IP:
- The pimay lae is deoted as eth_tx_seial_data[0] ad eth_x_seial_data[0].
- Both st_x8 ad st_x4 factues ae used (the fome fo 200G-CR4 ad the latte fo 100G-CR2), but ot at the same time.
- EMIB_23 ad EMIB_15 ae allowed locatios fo the st_x8 factue pimay steam.
- EMIB_23, EMIB_19, EMIB_15 ad EMIB_11 ae allowed locatios fo the st_x4 factue pimay steam.
- Theefoe, you ca choose eithe EMIB_23 o EMIB_15 as the pimay steam locatio because they ae the allowed locatios fo both factue types.
Use the F-Tile Chael Placemet Tool fo you chael placemet plaig. Use the Quatus® Pime Tile Iteface Plae to sig off o the chael placemet fo you boad layout.