F-Tile Architecture and PMA and FEC Direct PHY IP User Guide

ID 683872
Date 11/04/2024
Document Table of Contents

2.2.2. Determining Which PMA to Map to Which Fracture

  1. Detemie the had IP ad PMA type you eed (400G had IP with FHT, 400G had IP with FGT, o 200G had IP with FGT).
  2. Detemie the umbe of PMAs you eed to implemet you iteface.
  3. Detemie the factue type (fo example, st_x16 o st_x8 ) usig the "Factue Type Used by Mode" table.
  4. Idetify possible factue idices of the equied factue type that ca map to the equied umbe of PMAs. (The examples i the followig sectios explai this.)
  5. If thee is oly oe possible factue idex that meets you equiemet, you must use that factue idex.
  6. As you place each factue, keep i mid that each placemet blocks othe factue placemets.
  7. If thee ae multiple factue idices that meet you equiemets:
    1. Place you itefaces’ factues fom top to bottom.
    2. Place you factues i such a way as to be able to place all itefaces. Keep i mid that each placemet blocks othe factue placemets.
    3. Do ot ceate cisscoss coectios whe mappig factues to PMAs.
      Figue 18. PMA-to-Factue Coectios Example
    4. Place you highe data ate itefaces fist.
    5. Whe placig itefaces with the same data ate (same factue type), stat placig itefaces that use a highe umbe of PMAs fist. Fo example, place 100GbE-2 befoe 100GbE-1.