User Guide

Intel® VTune™ Profiler User Guide

ID 766319
Date 11/07/2023

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Thread Naming API

By default, each thread in your application is displayed in the timeline track with a default label generated from the process ID and the thread ID, or with the OS thread name. You can use the Thread Naming API in your code to give threads meaningful names.

Thread Naming API is a per-thread function that works in all states (paused or resumed).

To set thread name using a char or Unicode string, use the primitive:

void __itt_thread_set_name (const __itt_char *name)

Parameters of the primitive:



The thread name

To indicate that this thread should be ignored from analysis:

void __itt_thread_ignore (void)

It does not affect the concurrency of the application. It does not be visible in the Timeline pane.

If the thread name is set multiple times, only the last name is used.

Usage Example

You can use the following thread naming example to give a meaningful name to the thread you wish to focus on and ignore the service thread.

DWORD WINAPI service_thread(LPVOID lpArg) { __itt_thread_ignore(); // Do service work here. This thread will not be displayed. return 0; } DWORD WINAPI thread_function(LPVOID lpArg) { __itt_thread_set_name("My worker thread"); // Do thread work here return 0; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { ... CreateThread(NULL, 0, service_thread, NULL, 0, NULL); CreateThread(NULL, 0, thread_function, NULL, 0, NULL); ... return 0; }