Triple-Speed Ethernet Intel® FPGA IP User Guide: Agilex™ 5 FPGAs and SoCs

ID 813669
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents MII/GMII Clocks and Clock Enablers

Data transfers on the MII/GMII interface are synchronous to the receive and transmit clocks.
Table 68.  MAC Clock Signals
Name I/O Description
rx_clk O Receive clock. This clock is derived from the TBI clock tbi_rx_clk and set to 125 MHz.
tx_clk O Transmit clock. This clock is derived from the TBI clock tbi_tx_clk and set to 125 MHz.
Clock Enabler Signals
Note: The clock enabler signals are present only in SGMII mode.
rx_clkena O Receive clock enabler. In SGMII mode, this signal enables rx_clk.
tx_clkena O Transmit clock enabler. In SGMII mode, this signal enables tx_clk.
Figure 43. Clock Enabler Signal Behavior