Intel Agilex® 7 F-Series and I-Series FPGA Memory Subsystem IP User Guide

ID 789389
Date 12/04/2023

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6.2.3. TCAM Delete by Entry ID Operations

This operation deletes an existing entry based on a given entry ID. The keys and results related to the given entry ID are deleted.

To perform a delete operation, follow these steps in the AXI-Lite interface:

  1. Write the entry ID to the entry registers.
  2. Write to the mgmt_ctrl register, specifying op_type = 0x2.
  3. Poll the mgmt_ctrl register until the busy bit = 0x0.
  4. Check the mgmt_ctrl success bit; a value of 0x1 indicates that the deletion has been completed.

A successful deletion sets the mgmt_ctrl register success bit to 0x1; if the operation fails, mgmt_ctrl is set to 0x0. If you attempt to delete an entry that does not exist, the operation fails.

  • The address of mgmt_ctrl register is 0x20.
  • The address of Entry ID register is 0x30.