Intel Agilex® 7 F-Series and I-Series FPGA Memory Subsystem IP User Guide

ID 789389
Date 12/04/2023

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5.1. AXI Memory Mapped (AXI-MM) Interface

.The AXI-MM interface offers the following features:
  • Supports AXI4.
  • Supports burst lengths of 1–256.
  • Supports the incremental (INCR) burst type only — no WRAP and FIXED support.
  • Does not support QOS, unaligned access, or narrow transfers.
  • Does not support region (AxREGION).
Table 16.  AXI MM Signals
Signal Name Direction Type Description
Write Address Channel
awaddr In Data Write address.
awid In Data Write address ID.
awlen In Data Burst length.
awsize In Data Burst size. This signal indicates the size of each transfer in the burst. Narrow transfer is not supported. The burst size must match the data bus width. For example:
  • For 128b data bus, burst size must be driven to 3'b100.
  • For 256b data bus, burst size must be driven to 3'b101.
  • For 512b data bus, burst size must be driven to 3'b110.
awburst In Data Burst type. The burst type and the size information, determine how the address for each transfer within the burst is calculated. Intel FPGA supports only INCR burst type.
awqos In Data QoS or priority. Multi-VC priority value of 0 is highest priority.
awuser In Data User signal (optional).
awvalid Out Control Write address valid.
awready Out Control Write address ready. Memory Sub-System keeps AXI-MM interface READY deasserted in REQ and DATA channel until it is ready (in place of formerly init_done).
Write Data Channel
wdata In Data Write data.
wstrb In Data Write strobe.
wlast In Data Write last, indicate last transfer in a write burst.
wuser In Data User signal (optional).
wvalid In Control Write data valid.
wready Out Control Write data ready. Memory Sub-System keeps AXI-MM interface READY deasserted in REQ and DATA channel until it is ready (in place of formerly init_done).
Write Response Channel
bid Out Data Write response ID.
bresp Out Data Write response.
bvalid Out Control Write response valid.
bready In Control Write response ready.
Read Address Channel
araddr In Data Read address.
arid In Data Read address ID.
arlen In Data Burst length.
arsize In Data Burst size. This signal indicates the size of each transfer in the burst. Narrow transfer is not supported. The burst size must match the data bus width. For example:
  • For 128b data bus, burst size must be driven to 3'b100.
  • For 256b data bus, burst size must be driven to 3'b101.
  • For 512b data bus, burst size must be driven to 3'b110.
arburst In Data Burst type. The burst type and the size information, determine how the address for each transfer within the burst is calculated. Intel FPGA supports only INCR burst type.
arqos In Data QoS or priority. See awqos for additional description about multi-VC.
aruser In Data User signal (optional).
arvalid In Control Read address valid.
arready Out Control Read address ready. Memory Sub-System keeps AXI-MM interface READY deasserted in REQ and DATA channel until it is ready (in place of formerly init_done).
Read Data Channel
rid Out Data Read data ID.
rresp Out Data Read data response.
rdata Out Data Read data.
rlast Out Data Read last, indicate last transfer in a read burst.
ruser Out Data User signal (optional).
rvalid Out Control Read data valid.
rready In Control Read data ready.
awprot In   Protection Type. AWPROT_WIDTH default value is 3. This signal indicates the privilege and security level of the transaction, and whether the transaction is a data access or an instruction access.
Value Protection Type
3’b000 No Protection
3’b001 SAI Enabled

When SAI Enabled is selected, use AWUSER_SAI field to check access privilege. Treat access as Device_Untrusted when No Protection is selected.

awuser.sai[SAI_WIDTH-1:0] In Control Write security attribute.