Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Settings File Reference Manual

ID 683296
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents


Specifies the toggle rate, as a percentage of clock domain frequency, assumed by power estimation for the signals generated by this node or entity. This percentage acts as a multiplier for the clock domain frequency of the given node. For example, a toggle rate percentage of 12.5 on a node with a clock domain frequency of 96 MHz would result in a toggle rate of 12 million transitions per second. The percentage value must be positive and can take on values greater than 100. The value provided should be representative of the expected time-averaged toggle rate, rather than worst case (highest possible) toggle rate.



Device Support

  • Intel Agilex® 5
  • Intel Agilex® 7
  • Arria® 10
  • Cyclone® 10 GX
  • Stratix® 10



set_instance_assignment -name POWER_TOGGLE_RATE_PERCENTAGE -to <to> <value>