Device Design Guidelines: Agilex™ 5 FPGAs and SoCs

ID 813741
Date 4/01/2024
Document Table of Contents

4.1.4. EMIF

This section describes the EMIF design considerations for the FPGA.

Table 25.  Memory Interfaces Checklist


Done ?

Checklist Item



Use External Memory Interfaces (EMIF) IP for each memory interface, and follow connection guidelines and restrictions in External Memory Interfaces (EMIF) IP User Guide: Agilex™ 5 FPGAs and SoCs .



The Agilex™ 5 E-Series Devices can only support component interface. Agilex™ 5 D-Series Devices can support both DIMM and component interface.



The Agilex™ 5 D-Series and E-Series Devices can support up to 2 ranks only.



You can only implement EMIF on HSIO bank. EMIF is not supported on HVIO bank.



The EMIF controller user interface in Agilex™ 5 Series Devices uses the AXI protocol.

Agilex™ 5 devices provide an efficient architecture to quickly and easily fit wide external memory interfaces with their small modular I/O banks. The Agilex™ 5 FPGA can support DDR external memory on any HSIO banks. The self-calibrating External Memory Interfaces IP core is optimized to take advantage of the I/O structure in HSIO bank. The External Memory Interfaces IP core allows you to set external memory interface features and helps set up the physical interface (PHY) best suited for your system. When you use the Intel memory controller Intel® FPGA IP functions, the External Memory Interfaces IP core is instantiated automatically. If you design multiple memory interfaces into the device using Intel® FPGA IP core, generate a unique interface for each instance to ensure good results instead of designing it once and instantiating it multiple times.

Agilex™ 5 EMIF only supports fixed byte-lane arrangement. Within an I/O bank, only specific lanes can be used as Address/Command lane, and specific lanes can be used as Data Group. Within a Data Lane, the data strobe DQS and data DQ pin locations are fixed. Before you design your device pin-out, refer to pin mapping in the Product Architecture section in the External Memory Interfaces Agilex™ 5 FPGA IP User Guide for details and important restrictions related to the connections for these and other memory-related signals. You can implement a protocol that is not supported by External Memory Interfaces IP core by using the PHY Lite for Parallel Interfaces Intel® FPGA IP core.

Address and command pins within the address/command bank must follow a fixed pin-out scheme. The pin-out scheme varies according to the topology of the memory interface. The pin-out scheme is a hardware requirement that you must follow. Some schemes require three lanes to implement address and command pins, while others require four lanes.

Table 26.  Restrictions for FPGA EMIF Pin Checklist



Checklist Item



The Agilex™ 5 Series EMIF only supports fixed byte-lane arrangement. Only specific lanes can be used as Address/Command lane, and specific lanes can be used as Data Group. For information about pin mapping, refer to External Memory Interfaces (EMIF) IP User Guide: Agilex™ 5 FPGAs and SoCs .



Arbitrary placement of data mask pins within a data lane is not permitted. Pin index 6 must be used as data mask pin in DM/RDI/WDI is enabled



EMIF only supports 1.05V/1.1V/1.2V True Differential Signaling for PLL reference clock. Intel recommends that every EMIF interface to have its own PLL reference clock source. You must use I/O standard that has the same VCCIO_PIO requirement for the I/O standard used by the EMIF protocol. For more information about VCCIO_PIO, VID and VICM(DC) for each True Differential I/O standard, refer to Agilex™ 5 FPGAs and SoCs Device Data Sheet.



Every EMIF interface must have its own RZQ pin and must be placed at Pin Index 2, Lane 2 in the Address/Command Lanes.



Intel recommends that you use the Quartus® Prime software to verify that your EMIF pin assignment is correct by compiling the EMIF example design.

The guidelines in the "Recommended Board Guideline for Initial Board Bring up Checklist" table ensure the board is designed with adequate margin and allow easy probing of critical signals and stability of voltage rails during debug. Ability to change the reference clock frequency allows you to test the interface for multiple operating frequency. If the interface works at a lower speed, the interface is correctly pinned out and functional.

Table 27.  Recommended Board Guideline for Initial Board Bring up Checklist



Checklist Item



Perform board simulation to confirm adequate margin on Address/Command and Data Path.



Have probe points for voltage rails, Address/Command signals and one data lane.



Use a programmable reference clock generator for EMIF reference clock source to support multiple frequency.



If you are using DIMM (only supported on Agilex™ 5 D-Series devices), connect every signal from FPGA to DIMM even if the design does not use it (for example: wider address width, all CS/CKE/ODT signals).



Leave adequate clearance for socket/cooling solution, and logic analyzer interfaces on the DIMM.



Use the EMIF example design generated by Quartus® Prime Software to perform the initial bring up.