Intel® Arria® 10 SoC UEFI Boot Loader User Guide

ID 683536
Date 12/15/2017
Document Table of Contents Preparing the Handoff DTB

If you are using an Intel® SoC FPGA development kit and the standard GHRD, you can find the handoff device tree blob (DTB) installed as part of SoC FPGA EDS. The exact location of this file is <SoCEDS_installation_directory>/examples/hardware/a10_soc_devkit_ghrd/software/boot loader/devicetree.dtb.

If you are using a custom board or creating your own design, you must run make in your U-boot folder to build your customize boot loader and the U-boot handoff device tree blob (DTB). Refer to the sub-sections in Generating a Boot Loader DTB file for instructions.

Once the compilation is successful, you can find the devicetree.dtb file in the <your_working_directory>/a10_soc_devkit_ghrd/software/uboot_bsp folder.

Replace your <your_uefi_directory>/uefi-socfpga/AlteraPlatformPkg/Arria10SoCPkg/Arria10SoCPkg.dtb file with the newly generated <your_working_directory>/a10_soc_devkit_ghrd/software/uboot_bsp/devicetree.dtb file. Alternatively, you can add the HANDOFF_DTB= <dtb_file_path> parameter to the make command later as mentioned in the Compile UEFI section.
$ make HANDOFF_DTB=<your_working_directory>/a10_soc_devkit_ghrd/software/uboot_bsp/devicetree.dtb