Visible to Intel only — GUID: bgb1633186324181
1. Quick Start Guide
2. Design Example: Single IP Core Instantiation
3. Design Example: Single IP Core Instantiation with Precision Time Protocol
4. Design Example: Single IP Core Instantiation with Auto-Negotiation and Link Training
5. Design Example: Multiple IP Core Instantiation
6. Design Example: Two Separate Instances of Auto-Negotiation and Link Training and Ethernet IP Design
7. F-Tile Ethernet Intel® FPGA Hard IP Design Example User Guide Archives
8. Document Revision History for the F-Tile Ethernet Intel FPGA Hard IP Design Example User Guide
Visible to Intel only — GUID: bgb1633186324181
1.7. Register Maps
This sectio displays the available egiste addess age fo F-Tile Etheet Itel FPGA Had IP ad F-Tile Auto-Negotiatio ad Lik Taiig fo Etheet Itel® FPGA IPs.
The F-Tile Etheet Itel FPGA Had IP suppots up to 16 Etheet IP istaces. The addess age fo each IP istace is show i the Registe Map fo Multi-Rate IP Istaces, PTP, ad AN/LT table. The table also displays the addess age fo PTP-elated blocks ad auto-egotiatio ad lik taiig (AN/LT).
Note: The PTP ad AN/LT addess age is the same egadless of whethe the PTP ad AN/LT featues ae eabled o ot.
Addess Rage [28:0] | Module |
0x0000_0000 - 0x00FF_FFFC | Etheet IP : Istace 0 |
0x0100_0000 - 0x01FF_FFFC | Etheet IP : Istace 1 |
0x0200_0000 - 0x02FF_FFFC | Etheet IP : Istace 2 |
0x0300_0000 - 0x03FF_FFFC | Etheet IP : Istace 3 |
0x0400_0000 - 0x04FF_FFFC | Etheet IP : Istace 4 |
0x0500_0000 - 0x05FF_FFFC | Etheet IP : Istace 5 |
0x0600_0000 - 0x06FF_FFFC | Etheet IP : Istace 6 |
0x0700_0000 - 0x07FF_FFFC | Etheet IP : Istace 7 |
0x0800_0000 - 0x08FF_FFFC | Etheet IP : Istace 8 |
0x0900_0000 - 0x09FF_FFFC | Etheet IP : Istace 9 |
0x0A00_0000 - 0x0AFF_FFFC | Etheet IP : Istace 10 |
0x0B00_0000 - 0x0BFF_FFFC | Etheet IP : Istace 11 |
0x0C00_0000 - 0x0CFF_FFFC | Etheet IP : Istace 12 |
0x0D00_0000 - 0x0DFF_FFFC | Etheet IP : Istace 13 |
0x0E00_0000 - 0x0EFF_FFFC | Etheet IP : Istace 14 |
0x0F00_0000 - 0x0FFF_FFFC | Etheet IP : Istace 15 |
0x1000_0000 - 0x1000_FFFC | PTP Maste TOD egistes |
0x1001_5000 - 0x1001_5FFC | PTP Adapte: Asymmety Delay |
0x1002_5000 - 0x1002_5FFC | PTP Adapte: Pee-to-Pee MeaPathDelay |
0x1003_0000 - 0x100F_FFFC | Reseved |
0x1010_0000 - 0x101F_FFFC | Auto-egotiatio ad lik taiig: Istace 0 |
0x1020_0000 - 0x102F_FFFC | Auto-egotiatio ad lik taiig: Istace 1 |
The table below displays the egiste addess map withi a sigle Etheet IP istace.
Addess Rage [28:0] | Module |
0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_FFFC | Etheet ecofiguatio iteface |
0x0001_0000 - 0x000F_FFFC | Reseved |
0x0010_0000 - 0x007F_FFFC | Packet Cliet |
0x0080_0000 - 0x008F_FFFC | Tasceive ecofiguatio iteface fo lae 0 |
0x0090_0000 - 0x009F_FFFC | Tasceive ecofiguatio iteface fo lae 1 |
0x00A0_0000 - 0x00AF_FFFC | Tasceive ecofiguatio iteface fo lae 2 |
0x00B0_0000 - 0x00BF_FFFC | Tasceive ecofiguatio iteface fo lae 3 |
0x00C0_0000 - 0x00CF_FFFC | Tasceive ecofiguatio iteface fo lae 4 |
0x00D0_0000 - 0x00DF_FFFC | Tasceive ecofiguatio iteface fo lae 5 |
0x00E0_0000 - 0x00EF_FFFC | Tasceive ecofiguatio iteface fo lae 6 |
0x00F0_0000 - 0x00FF_FFFC | Tasceive ecofiguatio iteface fo lae 7 |
Fo example, the Packet Cliet base addess i the 2d Etheet IP istace is equivalet to 0x0100_0000 + 0x0010_0000 = 0x0110_0000.