Visible to Intel only — GUID: vfv1625677664291
1. Quick Start Guide
2. Design Example: Single IP Core Instantiation
3. Design Example: Single IP Core Instantiation with Precision Time Protocol
4. Design Example: Single IP Core Instantiation with Auto-Negotiation and Link Training
5. Design Example: Multiple IP Core Instantiation
6. Design Example: Two Separate Instances of Auto-Negotiation and Link Training and Ethernet IP Design
7. F-Tile Ethernet Intel® FPGA Hard IP Design Example User Guide Archives
8. Document Revision History for the F-Tile Ethernet Intel FPGA Hard IP Design Example User Guide
Visible to Intel only — GUID: vfv1625677664291
2.3.1. Simulation Testbench Flow for MAC Mode
The followig steps show the simulatio testbech flow fo MAC mode:
- Asset global eset (i_st_) to eset the F-Tile Etheet Itel FPGA Had IP.
- Wait util esets ackowledgmet. The o_st_ack_ sigal goes low.
- Deassets the global eset.
- Wait util o_tx_laes_stable bit is set to 1, idicatig TX path is eady.
- Wait util o_x_pcs_eady bit is set to 1, idicatig RX path is eady.
- Read TX packet data ifomatio fom 0x00 - 0x34 egistes i sequetial ode.
- 0x00: Set hw_pc_ctl[6] = 1'b1 to eable sapshot bit to ead the TX packet statistics.
- 0x020/0x24: TX stat of packet coute (LSB/MSB)
- 0x28/0x2C: TX ed of packet coute (LSB/MSB)
- 0x30/0x34: TX eo coute (LSB/MSB)
- 0x00: Set hw_pc_ctl[6] = 1'b0 to disable sapshot bit.
- Read RX packet data ifomatio fom 0x38 - 0x4C egistes i sequetial ode.
- 0x00: Set hw_pc_ctl[6] = 1'b1 to eable sapshot bit to ead the RX packet statistics.
- 0x38/0x3C: RX stat of packet coute (LSB/MSB)
- 0x40/0x44: RX ed of packet coute (LSB/MSB)
- 0x48/0x4C: RX eo coute (LSB/MSB)
- 0x00: Set hw_pc_ctl[6] = 1'b0 to disable sapshot bit.
- Compae ead coutes to esue 16 packets wee set ad eceived.
- Istuct packet cliet to stop data tasmissio by witig hw_pc_ctl[2:0]=3'b100 to stop the packet geeato. Clea coutes.
- Pefom Avalo® memoy-mapped iteface test. Wite ad ead Etheet IP egistes.
- 0x104: Scatch egiste
- 0x108: Etheet IP soft eset egiste
- 0x214: TX MAC souce addess egiste [31:0]
- 0x218: TX MAC souce addess egiste [47:32]
- 0x21C: RX MAC fame size egiste
- Pefom Avalo® memoy-mapped iteface 2 test. Wite ad ead tasceive egistes.
The followig sample output illustates a successful simulatio test u.
---SRC IP sequece stated ----- ---SRC IP sequece TX completed ----- ---SRC IP sequece RX completed ----- ---Test 0; ---Total 16 packets to sed----- ------Stat pkt ge TX----- ------Checkig Packet TX/RX esult----- ------------ 16 packets Set; 0 packets Received-------- ------ALL 16 packets Set out--- ------------ 16 packets Set; 16 packets Received-------- ------ALL 16 packets Received--- ------TX/RX packet check OK--- ****Statig AVMM Read/Wite**** ===>MATCH! ReaddataValid = 1 Readdata = abcdef01 Expected_Readdata = abcdef01 ===>MATCH! ReaddataValid = 1 Readdata = 00000007 Expected_Readdata = 00000007 ===>MATCH! ReaddataValid = 1 Readdata = 00000000 Expected_Readdata = 00000000 ===>MATCH! ReaddataValid = 1 Readdata = 9d228c3a Expected_Readdata = 9d228c3a ===>MATCH! ReaddataValid = 1 Readdata = 4338b586 Expected_Readdata = 4338b586 ===>MATCH! ReaddataValid = 1 Readdata = deadc0de Expected_Readdata = deadc0de ===>MATCH! ReaddataValid = 1 Readdata = deadc0de Expected_Readdata = deadc0de ===>MATCH! ReaddataValid = 1 Readdata = 00000000 Expected_Readdata = 00000000 ===>MATCH! ReaddataValid = 1 Readdata = 22334455 Expected_Readdata = 22334455 ===>MATCH! ReaddataValid = 1 Readdata = 00000011 Expected_Readdata = 00000011 ===>MATCH! ReaddataValid = 1 Readdata = 000005ee Expected_Readdata = 000005ee ===>MATCH! ReaddataValid = 1 Readdata = 01234567 Expected_Readdata = 01234567 ===>MATCH! ReaddataValid = 1 Readdata = 000089ab Expected_Readdata = 000089ab 743830s Ty to access AVMM2 begi... 743830s wite 0x00000065 to xcv 0 addess 0x103c004 744795s Ty to access AVMM2 ed... 744890s ead fom addess 0x103c004 ====>MATCH! ReaddataValid = 1 Readdata = 00000065 Expected_Readdata = 00000065 ... 758740s Ty to access AVMM2 ed... 758840s Ty to access AVMM2 begi... 758840s wite 0x0000006c to xcv 7 addess 0x103c00b 759825s Ty to access AVMM2 ed... 759920s ead fom addess 0x103c00b ====>MATCH! ReaddataValid = 1 Readdata = 0000006c Expected_Readdata = 0000006c 760900s Ty to access AVMM2 ed... **** AVMM Read/Wite Opeatio Completed **** ** Testbech complete **