6.5. Hardware Design Example
Follow these steps to test Etheet-based desig examples with eabled auto-egotiatio ad lik taiig i hadwae:
- Geeate desig example as descibed i Geeatig the Desig.
- Modify the .qsf settigs:
- Set device to match the appopiate odeig pat umbe (OPN) fo you desig.
- Update the piout to match the boad ad the desig fuctio.
- Assig the appopiate VID settigs i you .qsf file to match you boad.
- Geeate the .sof file.
- Update boad clock settigs. The default value fo the PHY efeece clock is 156.25 MHz. The default value fo the ecofiguatio clock is 100 MHz.
- Iset appopiate electical loopback plug ito the Etheet pot.
- Pogam the desig.
- Ope .
- Navigate to the hadwae diectoy <desig_example>/hadwae_test_desig/hwtest diectoy.
- Ru the followig commad i the Tcl shell:
souce mai_<Etheet_ate>.tcl set_jtag<umbe_of appopiate_JTAG_maste>
- Pefom these steps if DAC coectio is available fo UX o patch cable/boad to boad fo BK vaiats.
- Type commad to ead the seq cfg egiste:
eg_ead 0x101002C0 [Istace 0] eg_ead 0x102002C0 [Istace 1]
- Type commad to set the igoe oce value to 1
- Fo Etheet modes (50GE-1, 100GE-2, ad 200GE-4) with FEC mode (Etheet Techology Cosotium RS(272, 258)), wite to
eg_wite 0x10100300 0x737d0381 [Istace 0] eg_wite 0x10200300 0x737d0381 [Istace 1]
- Fo Etheet modes (25GE-1, 50GE-2, ad 400GE-8) with ay FEC mode, wite to
eg_wite 0x10100300 0x737d0381 [Istace 0] eg_wite 0x10200300 0x737d0381 [Istace 1]
- Fo othe Etheet modes:
eg_wite 0x10100300 0x737d0281 [Istace 0] eg_wite 0x10200300 0x737d0281 [Istace 1]
- Fo Etheet modes (50GE-1, 100GE-2, ad 200GE-4) with FEC mode (Etheet Techology Cosotium RS(272, 258)), wite to
- Type commad to estat the AN sequece:
eg_wite 0x101002c0 0x00002003 [Istace 0] eg_wite 0x102002c0 0x00002003 [Istace 1]
- Type commad to ead the debug status:
eg_ead 0x101003c0 [Istace 0] eg_ead 0x102003c0 [Istace 1]
The lik is up if the commad etus value 1f0.
- Type commad to ead the seq cfg egiste:
- Sedig Fames betwee two ETH istaces[Istace zeo has base addess 0x0 ad istace 1 has base addess 0x01000000].
stop_pkt_ge 0x0 stop_pkt_ge 0x01000000 sleep 2 chkphy_status 0x0 chkphy_status 0x01000000 clea_all_stats 0x0 clea_all_stats 0x01000000 iit_packet_om "<vaiat_type>" 0x0 [e.g. iit_packet_om "50G" 0x0] iit_packet_om "<vaiat_type>" 0x01000000
- Type these commads to show TX ad RX packets o both istaces, ad they should match.
chkmac_stats 0x0 chkmac_stats 0x01000000
The followig sample output illustates a successful hadwae test:
% set_jtag 10 Cuetly selected maste is 10: /devices/AGIB027R29AR(0|1|2|3)@1#USB-1#AGI FPGA Developmet kit#sj- appslaba-400.altea.piv.alta.com/(lik)/JTAG/(110:132 V1 #0) /phy_0/maste/ chaels/local/mylib/maste_1 % eg_ead 0x101002c0 0xdeadc0de % eg_ead 0x101002c0 0x00002002 % eg_ead 0x10100300 0x737d0201 % eg_wite 0x10100300 0x737d0281 0 % eg_ead 0x10100300 0x737d0281 % eg_wite 0x101002c0 0x2003 0 % eg_ead 0x101002c0 0x00002002 % eg_ead 0x101003c0 0x000001f0 % chkphy_status RX PHY Registe Access: Checkig Clock Fequecies (KHZ) TXCLK : 40283 (KHZ) RXCLK : 40285 (KHZ) TX PLL Lock Status :0x0000000f Rx Fequecy Lock Status :0x0000000f RX PCS Ready :0x1 TX laes Stable :0x1 Deskewed Status :0x1 Lik Fault Status Rx Fame Eo :0x00000000 Rx Am LOCK Coditio :0x1 % stat_pkt_ge 0 % stop_pkt_ge 0 % Chkmac_stats =================================================== STATISTICS FOR BASE 12288 (Rx) =================================================== Fagmeted Fames :0 Jabbeed Fames :0 Ay Size with FCS E Fame :0 Right Size with FCS E Fa :0 Multicast data E Fames :0 Boadcast data E Fames :0 Uicast data E Fames :0 Multicast Cotol E Fames :0 Boadcast Cotol E Fames :0 Uicast Cotol E Fames :0 pause Cotol E Fames :0 64 Byte Fames :0 65 - 127 Byte Fames :32 128 - 255 Byte Fames :1 256 - 511 Byte Fames :0 512 - 1023 Byte Fames :1 1024 - 1518 Byte Fames :0 1519 - MAX Byte Fames :0 > MAX Byte Fames :0 Rx Fame States :34 Multicast data OK Fame :33 Boadcast data OK Fame :0 Uicast Data OK Fame :0 Multicast Cotol Fames :0 Boadcast Cotol Fames :0 Uicast Cotol Fames :0 Pause Cotol Fames :0 Data ad Paddig Octets :2671 Fame Octets :3283 ============================================================ STATISTICS FOR BASE 12288 (Tx) ============================================================ Fagmeted Fames :0 Jabbeed Fames :0 Ay Size with FCS E Fame :0 Right Size with FCS E Fame :0 Multicast data E Fames :0 Boadcast data E Fames :0 Uicast data E Fames :0 Multicast Cotol E Fames :0 Boadcast Cotol E Fames :0 Uicast Cotol E Fames :0 pause Cotol E Fames :0 64 Byte Fames :0 65 - 127 Byte Fames :32 128 - 255 Byte Fames :1 256 - 511 Byte Fames :0 512 - 1023 Byte Fames :1 1024 - 1518 Byte Fames :0 1519 - MAX Byte Fames :0 > MAX Byte Fames :0 Tx Fame States :34 Multicast data OK Fame :33 Boadcast data OK Fame :0 Uicast Data OK Fame :0 Multicast Cotol Fames :0 Boadcast Cotol Fames :0 Uicast Cotol Fames :0 Pause Cotol Fames :0 Data ad Paddig Octets :2671 Fame Octets :3283 0 % ------------------------------------------------------