4.5. Hardware Design Example
Follow these steps to test Etheet-based desig examples with eabled auto-egotiatio ad lik taiig i hadwae:
- Geeate desig example as descibed i Geeatig the Desig.
- Modify the .qsf settigs:
- Set device to match the appopiate odeig pat umbe (OPN) fo you desig.
- Update the piout to match the boad ad the desig fuctio.
- Assig the appopiate VID settigs i you .qsf file to match you boad.
- Geeate the .sof file.
- Update boad clock settigs. The default value fo the PHY efeece clock is 156.25 MHz. The default value fo the ecofiguatio clock is 100 MHz.
- Iset appopiate electical loopback plug ito the Etheet pot.
- Pogam the desig.
- Ope .
- Navigate to the hadwae diectoy <desig_example>/hadwae_test_desig/hwtest diectoy.
- Type souce mai_<vaiat_type>.tcl.
- Type set_jtag<umbe_of appopiate_JTAG_maste>
- Pefom this step if exteal loopback module is coected. Skip this step if the desig coects to lik pate.
- Type commad to ead the seq cfg egiste:
eg_ead 0x101002C0
- Type commad to set the igoe oce value to 1:
- Fo Etheet modes (50GE-1, 100GE-2, ad 200GE-4) with FEC mode (Etheet Techology Cosotium RS(272, 258)), wite to
eg_wite 0x10100300 0x737d0381
- Fo Etheet modes (25GE-1, 50GE-2, ad 400GE-8) with ay FEC mode, wite to
eg_wite 0x10100300 0x737d0381
- Fo othe Etheet modes:
eg_wite 0x10100300 0x737d0281
- Fo Etheet modes (50GE-1, 100GE-2, ad 200GE-4) with FEC mode (Etheet Techology Cosotium RS(272, 258)), wite to
- Type commad to estat the AN sequece:
eg_wite 0x101002c0 0x00002003
- Type commad to ead the debug status:
eg_ead 0x101003c0
The lik is up if the commad etus value 1f0.
- Type commad to ead the seq cfg egiste:
- Type the commad to check the PHY status:
- Type the commad to stat ad stop the packet geeato. The fuctio seds 16 packets.
stat_pkt_ge stop_pkt_ge
- Type the commad to check the MAC status:
The followig sample output illustates a successful hadwae test:
% set_jtag 10 Cuetly selected maste is 10: /devices/AGIB027R29AR(0|1|2|3)@1#USB-1#AGI FPGA Developmet kit#sj-appslaba-400.altea.piv.alta.com/(lik)/JTAG/(110:132 V1 #0)/phy_0/maste/chaels/local/mylib/maste_1 % eg_ead 0x101002c0 0xdeadc0de % eg_ead 0x101002c0 0x00002002 % eg_ead 0x10100300 0x737d0201 % eg_wite 0x10100300 0x737d0281 0 % eg_ead 0x10100300 0x737d0281 % eg_wite 0x101002c0 0x2003 0 % eg_ead 0x101002c0 0x00002002 % eg_ead 0x101003c0 0x000001f0 % chkphy_status RX PHY Registe Access: Checkig Clock Fequecies (KHZ) TXCLK :40283 (KHZ) RXCLK :40285 (KHZ) TX PLL Lock Status 0x0000000f Rx Fequecy Lock Status 0x0000000f RX PCS Ready 0x1 TX laes Stable 0x1 Deskewed Status 0x1 Lik Fault Status 0x00000000 Rx Fame Eo 0x00000000 Rx Am LOCK Coditio 0x1 % stat_pkt_ge 0 % stop_pkt_ge 0 % Chkmac_stats ==================================================================== STATISTICS FOR BASE 12288 (Rx) ==================================================================== Fagmeted Fames :0 Jabbeed Fames :0 Ay Size with FCS E Fame :0 Right Size with FCS E Fa :0 Multicast data E Fames :0 Boadcast data E Fames :0 Uicast data E Fames :0 Multicast Cotol E Fames :0 Boadcast Cotol E Fames :0 Uicast Cotol E Fames :0 pause Cotol E Fames :0 64 Byte Fames :0 65 - 127 Byte Fames :32 128 - 255 Byte Fames :1 256 - 511 Byte Fames :0 512 - 1023 Byte Fames :1 1024 - 1518 Byte Fames :0 1519 - MAX Byte Fames :0 > MAX Byte Fames :0 Rx Fame States :34 Multicast data OK Fame :33 Boadcast data OK Fame :0 Uicast Data OK Fame :0 Multicast Cotol Fames :0 Boadcast Cotol Fames :0 Uicast Cotol Fames :0 Pause Cotol Fames :0 Data ad Paddig Octets :2671 Fame Octets :3283 -------------------------------------------------------------------- ==================================================================== STATISTICS FOR BASE 12288 (Tx) ==================================================================== Fagmeted Fames :0 Jabbeed Fames :0 Ay Size with FCS E Fame :0 Right Size with FCS E Fa :0 Multicast data E Fames :0 Boadcast data E Fames :0 Uicast data E Fames :0 Multicast Cotol E Fames :0 Boadcast Cotol E Fames :0 Uicast Cotol E Fames :0 pause Cotol E Fames :0 64 Byte Fames :0 65 - 127 Byte Fames :32 128 - 255 Byte Fames :1 256 - 511 Byte Fames :0 512 - 1023 Byte Fames :1 1024 - 1518 Byte Fames :0 1519 - MAX Byte Fames :0 > MAX Byte Fames :0 Tx Fame States :34 Multicast data OK Fame :33 Boadcast data OK Fame :0 Uicast Data OK Fame :0 Multicast Cotol Fames :0 Boadcast Cotol Fames :0 Uicast Cotol Fames :0 Pause Cotol Fames :0 Data ad Paddig Octets :2671 Fame Octets :3283 0 % -------------------------------------------------------------------