Symmetric Cryptographic Intel FPGA Hard IP User Guide

ID 714305
Date 10/31/2022

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8.7. Running Simulation Tests

Once you have generated the example design, next you need to execute the shell script to run the simulation. For example, to run a VCS simulation, just type sh at the command prompt in the testbench directory.

This generates the simulation setup script for the VCS simulator, compile the design using the VCS design compiler, and then run the simulator.

The output from the simulation consists of log outputs tracing through the operations. At the end of the simulation, you see an indication that the test has passed.

For a VCS simulation, a .vpd file is produced that can be examined with the waveform viewer to see the waveforms at the Symmetric Cryptographic Intel FPGA Hard IP.

The simulation scripts for the VCS* MX, QuestaSim* , and Xcelium* simulators run in the same fashion. These simulation scripts also produce waveform files that can be used to observe the simulation progress. The simulation testbenches for all four simulators work the same way.