Embedded Design Handbook

ID 683689
Date 8/28/2023
Document Table of Contents Create a New Platform Designer System for the Design Under Test

  1. In the Intel® Quartus® Prime software, open the Intel® Quartus® Prime Project File, qsys_sim_tutorial.qpf, from the \simulation_tutorial directory.
  2. In Platform Designer, click File > New System to create a new Platform Designer design.
  3. To remove the clock source, which is not needed for this design, right-click clk_0, and then click Remove.
  4. In the IP Catalog, select Custom Pattern Generator from the Memory Test Microcores group, and then click Add.
  5. In the parameter editor, click Finish to accept the default parameters.
  6. Rename the instance to pg to provide a short instance name for the pattern generator.