Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-9FF0E16D-9CD1-44BB-9A51-B1A4A0349600
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-9FF0E16D-9CD1-44BB-9A51-B1A4A0349600
Computes the inverse of a LU-factored distributed matrix.
call psgetri(n, a, ia, ja, desca, ipiv, work, lwork, iwork, liwork, info)
call pdgetri(n, a, ia, ja, desca, ipiv, work, lwork, iwork, liwork, info)
call pcgetri(n, a, ia, ja, desca, ipiv, work, lwork, iwork, liwork, info)
call pzgetri(n, a, ia, ja, desca, ipiv, work, lwork, iwork, liwork, info)
Include Files
The p?getriroutine computes the inverse of a general distributed matrix sub(A) = A(ia:ia+n-1, ja:ja+n-1) using the LU factorization computed by p?getrf. This method inverts U and then computes the inverse of sub(A) by solving the system
inv(sub(A))*L = inv(U)
for inv(sub(A)).
Input Parameters
- n
(global) INTEGER. The number of rows and columns to be operated on, that is, the order of the distributed matrix sub(A) (n≥0).
- a
REAL for psgetri
COMPLEX for pcgetri
DOUBLE COMPLEX for pzgetri.
Pointer into the local memory to an array of local size (lld_a,LOCc(ja+n-1)).
On entry, the array a contains the local pieces of the L and U obtained by the factorization sub(A) = P*L*U computed by p?getrf.
- ia, ja
(global) INTEGER. The row and column indices in the global matrix A indicating the first row and the first column of the matrix sub(A), respectively.
- desca
(global and local) INTEGER array of size dlen_. The array descriptor for the distributed matrix A.
- work
REAL for psgetri
COMPLEX for pcgetri
DOUBLE COMPLEX for pzgetri.
The array work of size lwork is a workspace array.
- lwork
(local) INTEGER. The size of the array work. lwork must be at least
NOTE:mod(x,y) is the integer remainder of x/y.
The array work is used to keep at most an entire column block of sub(A).
- iwork
(local) INTEGER. Workspace array used for physically transposing the pivots, size liwork.
- liwork
(local or global) INTEGER. The size of the array iwork.
The minimal value liwork of is determined by the following code:
if NPROW == NPCOL then
liwork = LOCc(n_a + mod(ja-1,nb_a))+ nb_a
liwork = LOCc(n_a + mod(ja-1,nb_a)) +
end if
where lcm is the least common multiple of process rows and columns (NPROW and NPCOL).
Output Parameters
- ipiv
(local) INTEGER.
Array of size LOCr(m_a)+ mb_a.
This array contains the pivoting information.
If ipiv(i)=j, then the local row i was swapped with the global row j.
This array is tied to the distributed matrix A.
- work(1)
On exit, work(1) contains the minimum value of lwork required for optimum performance.
- iwork(1)
On exit, iwork(1) contains the minimum value of liwork required for optimum performance.
- info
(global) INTEGER. If info=0, the execution is successful.
info < 0:
If the i-th argument is an array and the j-th entry had an illegal value, then info = -(i*100+j); if the i-th argument is a scalar and had an illegal value, then info = -i.
info> 0:
If info = i, U(i,i) is exactly zero. The factorization has been completed, but the factor U is exactly singular, and division by zero will occur if it is used to solve a system of equations.