Developer Reference for Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library for Fortran

ID 766686
Date 6/24/2024
Document Table of Contents


Computes matrix - vector product of a sparse general matrix stored in the coordinate format with zero-based indexing (deprecated).


call mkl_cspblas_scoogemv(transa, m, val, rowind, colind, nnz, x, y)

call mkl_cspblas_dcoogemv(transa, m, val, rowind, colind, nnz, x, y)

call mkl_cspblas_ccoogemv(transa, m, val, rowind, colind, nnz, x, y)

call mkl_cspblas_zcoogemv(transa, m, val, rowind, colind, nnz, x, y)

Include Files



This routine is deprecated. Use mkl_sparse_?_mvfrom the Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library (oneMKL) Inspector-executor Sparse BLAS interface instead.

The mkl_cspblas_dcoogemv routine performs a matrix-vector operation defined as

y := A*x


y := AT*x,


x and y are vectors,

A is an m-by-m sparse square matrix in the coordinate format with zero-based indexing, AT is the transpose of A.


This routine supports only zero-based indexing of the input arrays.

Input Parameters

Parameter descriptions are common for all implemented interfaces with the exception of data types that refer here to the FORTRAN 77 standard types. Data types specific to the different interfaces are described in the section "Interfaces" below.


CHARACTER*1. Specifies the operation.

If transa = 'N' or 'n', then the matrix-vector product is computed as y := A*x

If transa = 'T' or 't' or 'C' or 'c', then the matrix-vector product is computed as y := AT*x.


INTEGER. Number of rows of the matrix A.


REAL for mkl_cspblas_scoogemv.

DOUBLE PRECISION for mkl_cspblas_dcoogemv.

COMPLEX for mkl_cspblas_ccoogemv.

DOUBLE COMPLEX for mkl_cspblas_zcoogemv.

Array of length nnz, contains non-zero elements of the matrix A in the arbitrary order.

Refer to values array description in Coordinate Format for more details.


INTEGER. Array of length nnz, contains the row indices for each non-zero element of the matrix A.

Refer to rows array description in Coordinate Format for more details.


INTEGER. Array of length nnz, contains the column indices for each non-zero element of the matrix A. Refer to columns array description in Coordinate Format for more details.


INTEGER. Specifies the number of non-zero element of the matrix A.

Refer to nnz description in Coordinate Format for more details.


REAL for mkl_cspblas_scoogemv.

DOUBLE PRECISION for mkl_cspblas_dcoogemv.

COMPLEX for mkl_cspblas_ccoogemv.

DOUBLE COMPLEX for mkl_cspblas_zcoogemv.

Array, size is m.

On entry, the array x must contain the vector x.

Output Parameters


REAL for mkl_cspblas_scoogemv.

DOUBLE PRECISION for mkl_cspblas_dcoogemv.

COMPLEX for mkl_cspblas_ccoogemv.

DOUBLE COMPLEX for mkl_cspblas_zcoogemv.

Array, size at least m.

On exit, the array y must contain the vector y.



SUBROUTINE mkl_cspblas_scoogemv(transa, m, val, rowind, colind, nnz, x, y)
  CHARACTER*1   transa
  INTEGER       m, nnz
  INTEGER       rowind(*), colind(*)
  REAL            val(*), x(*), y(*)

SUBROUTINE mkl_cspblas_dcoogemv(transa, m, val, rowind, colind, nnz, x, y)
  CHARACTER*1   transa
  INTEGER       m, nnz
  INTEGER       rowind(*), colind(*)
  DOUBLE PRECISION      val(*), x(*), y(*)

SUBROUTINE mkl_cspblas_ccoogemv(transa, m, val, rowind, colind, nnz, x, y)
  CHARACTER*1   transa
  INTEGER       m, nnz
  INTEGER       rowind(*), colind(*)
  COMPLEX        val(*), x(*), y(*)

SUBROUTINE mkl_cspblas_zcoogemv(transa, m, val, rowind, colind, nnz, x, y)
  CHARACTER*1   transa
  INTEGER       m, nnz
  INTEGER       rowind(*), colind(*)
  DOUBLE COMPLEX       val(*), x(*), y(*)