Developer Reference for Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library for Fortran

ID 766686
Date 6/24/2024
Document Table of Contents

Matrix Storage Schemes for LAPACK Routines

LAPACK routines use the following matrix storage schemes:

  • Full storage: an m-by-n matrix A is stored in a two-dimensional array a, with the matrix element aij (i = 1..mj = 1..n), and stored in the array element a(i,j).

  • Packed storage scheme allows you to store symmetric, Hermitian, or triangular matrices more compactly: the upper or lower triangle of the matrix is packed by columns in a one-dimensional array.

  • Band storage: an m-by-n band matrix with kl sub-diagonals and ku superdiagonals is stored compactly in a two-dimensional array ab with kl+ku+1 rows and n columns. Columns of the matrix are stored in the corresponding columns of the array, and diagonals of the matrix are stored in rows of the array.

  • Rectangular Full Packed (RFP) storage: the upper or lower triangle of the matrix is packed combining the full and packed storage schemes. This combination enables using half of the full storage as packed storage while maintaining efficiency by using Level 3 BLAS/LAPACK kernels as the full storage.

Generally in LAPACK routines, arrays that hold matrices in packed storage have names ending in p; arrays with matrices in band storage have names ending in b; arrays with matrices in the RFP storage have names ending in fp.

For more information on matrix storage schemes, see "Matrix Arguments" in "Routine and Function Arguments".