Developer Reference for Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library for Fortran

ID 766686
Date 6/24/2024
Document Table of Contents

Data Fitting Usage Model

Consider an algorithm that uses the Data Fitting functions. Typically, such algorithms consist of four steps or stages:

  1. Create a task. You can call the Data Fitting function several times to create multiple tasks.

    status = dfdnewtask1d( task, nx, x, xhint, ny, y, yhint );

  2. Modify the task parameters.

    status = dfdeditppspline1d( task, s_order, c_type, bc_type, bc, ic_type, ic, scoeff, scoeffhint );

  3. Perform Data Fitting spline-based computations. You may reiterate steps 2-3 as needed.

    status = dfdinterpolate1d(task, estimate, method, nsite, site, sitehint, ndorder, dorder, datahint, r, rhint, cell );

  4. Destroy the task or tasks.

    status = dfdeletetask( task );