Developer Reference for Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library for Fortran

ID 766686
Date 6/24/2024
Document Table of Contents


Pack the matrix into the buffer allocated previously.


call gemm_s8u8s32_pack (identifier, trans, m, n, k, src, ld, dest)

call gemm_s16s16s32_pack (identifier, trans, m, n, k, src, ld, dest)

Include Files



The gemm_*_pack routine is one of a set of related routines that enable the use of an internal packed storage. Call gemm_*_pack after you allocate a buffer whose size is given by gemm_*_pack_get_size. The gemm_*_pack routine packs the identified matrix into the buffer allocated previously.

The gemm_*_pack routine performs this operation:

dest := op(src) as part of the computation C := alpha*(op(A) + A_offset)*(op(B) + B_offset) + beta*C + C_offset for integer types.

C := alpha*op(A) * op(B) + beta*C for bfloat16 type.


  • op(X) is one of the operations op(X) = X or op(X) = XT
  • alpha and beta are scalars,
  • src is a matrix,
  • A , A_offset,B, B_offset,c,and C_offset are matrices
  • op(src) is an m-by-k matrix if identifier = 'A' or 'a',
  • op(src) is a k-by-n matrix if identifier = 'B' or 'b',
  • dest is the buffer previously allocated to store the matrix packed into an internal format
  • A_offset is an m-by-k matrix.
  • B_offset is an k-by-n matrix.
  • C_offset is an m-by-n matrix.


For best performance, use the same number of threads for packing and for computing.

If packing for both A and B matrices, you must use the same number of threads for packing A as for packing B.

Input Parameters


Specifies which matrix is to be packed:

If identifier = 'A' or 'a', the A matrix is packed.

If identifier = 'B' or 'b', the B matrix is packed.


Specifies the form of op(src) used in the packing:

If trans = 'N' or 'n'  op(src) = src.

If trans = 'T' or 't'  op(src) = srcT.


Specifies the number of rows of matrix op(A) and of the matrix C. The value of m must be at least zero.


Specifies the number of columns of matrix op(B) and the number of columns of matrix C. The value of n must be at least zero.


Specifies the number of columns of matrix op(A) and the number of rows of matrix op(B). The value of k must be at least zero.


INTEGER*1 for gemm_s8u8s32_pack and INTEGER*2 for gemm_s16s16s32_pack


trans = 'N' or 'n'

trans = 'T' or 't'

identifier = 'A' or 'a'

Size ld*k.

Before entry, the leading m-by-k part of the array src must contain the matrix A.

Size ld*m.

Before entry, the leading k-by-m part of the array src must contain the matrix A.

identifier = 'B' or 'b'

Size ld*n.

Before entry, the leading k-by-n part of the array src must contain the matrix B.

Size ld*k.

Before entry, the leading n-by-k part of the array src must contain the matrix B.


INTEGER. Specifies the leading dimension of src as declared in the calling (sub)program.


trans = 'N' or 'n'

trans = 'T' or 't'

identifier = 'A' or 'a'

ld must be at least max(1, m).

ld must be at least max(1, k).

identifier = 'B' or 'b'

ld must be at least max(1, k).

ld must be at least max(1, n).

INTEGER*1 for gemm_s8u8s32_pack or INTEGER*2 for gemm_s16s16s32_pack

Buffer for the packed matrix.

Output Parameters


INTEGER*1 for gemm_s8u8s32_pack or INTEGER*2 for gemm_s16s16s32_pack

Overwritten by the matrix op(src)stored in a format internal to Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library (oneMKL).


See the following examples in the MKL installation directory to understand the use of these routines:

gemm_s8u8s32_pack: examples\blas\source\gemm_s8u8s32_computex.f

gemm_s16s16s32_pack: examples\blas\source\gemm_s16s16s32_computex.f

Application Notes

See Also