Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767251
Date 10/31/2024
Document Table of Contents


Transformational Intrinsic Function (Generic): Returns the team number of the specified team.


result = TEAM_NUMBER ([ team ])


(Optional, Input) Must be of type TEAM_TYPE defined in the intrinsic module ISO_FORTRAN_ENV, with a value that describes the current team or an ancestor team. If team is not specified, the team is the current team.


The result is an integer scalar whose value is -1 if the specified team is the initial team; otherwise, it is the positive integer value that identifies the team of the executing image in the set of teams described by the team.


Consider the following program:

PROGRAM main USE, INTRINSIC :: ISO_FORTRAN_ENV TYPE (TEAM_TYPE) :: original, odd_even original = GET_TEAM (CURRENT_TEAM) FORM TEAM (2-MOD(THIS_IMAGE(), 2), odd_even) CHANGE TEAM (odd_even) . . . IF((THIS_IMAGE()==1).AND. (TEAM_NUMBER()==2) THEN PRINT *, TEAM_NUMBER(original) PRINT *, TEAM_NUMBER() END IF . . . END TEAM END PROGRAM The output of the print statements will be -1 2

The above output assumes there are at least two images in the initial team.

See Also