Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767251
Date 10/31/2024
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OpenMP* Fortran Compiler Directive: Declares a user-defined mapper for a specified type. It also lets you optionally declare a map-identifier that can be used in a MAP clause in other directives or in a motion-clause of a TARGET UPDATE directive.


!$OMP DECLARE MAPPER ([mapper-identifier:] type::var) [clause [[,] clause]...]


Is a Fortran identifier, or the literal string DEFAULT. If no mapper-identifier is specified, it is as if DEFAULT was specified.

A DECLARE MAPPER directive specifying a mapper-identifier for a given type is not permitted in a scope where another DECLARE MAPPER directive specifying the same mapper-identifier for the same type is accessible.


Is an accessible type name within the scope where the directive appears. It cannot be an intrinsic or an abstract type.

type cannot be directly or indirectly mapped as part of the mapper through another type, except through the appearance of var as a list item in a MAP clause.

If type identifies a derived type, it can be any accessible derived type name. In the Description below, DT refers to a derived type identifier.


Is a Fortran identifier. It can be used in all MAP clauses of the DECLARE MAPPER directive. No subobject of var is default mapped; all parts of var must be explicitly mapped.

var, or at least one element or component of var, must appear in a MAP clause.


Is MAP ([[map-type-modifier[,]] map-type :] list).

map-type-modifier is ALWAYS, CLOSE, OR PRESENT.

map-type is ALLOC, TO, FROM or TOFROM.

Each map-type can appear only once in a MAP clause. If map-type is not specified, it is as if TOFROM appeared as the map-type.

list items are limited to references of var, or other objects that are accessible in the scope or are previously declared in the scope where the DECLARE MAPPER directive appears. A list item can be an array section.

The DECLARE MAPPER directive is a declarative directive that appears in the specification part of a program. It is a pure directive, so it can appear in a Fortran PURE procedure. type and mapper-identifier, if present, uniquely identify the mapper.

If a DECLARE MAPPER directive is not specified for a type DT, a predefined mapper exists for type DT as if the type DT had appeared in the directive as follows:


A DECLARE MAPPER directive that uses the mapper-identifier DEFAULT for any type DT overrides this predefined mapper for the type DT, and the user-declared mapper becomes the default mapper for all variables of type DT.

If a MAP clause in another directive maps a list item of a type specified in an accessible DECLARE MAPPER directive, or if a motion clause of a TARGET UPDATE invokes a user-defined mapper and updates a list item of type specified by that mapper, the effect is as if the MAP or motion clause is replaced by a set of MAP or motion clauses derived from the MAP clauses specified on the DECLARE MAPPER directive.

A derived type list-item can have more than one map type: one from DECLARE MAPPER, and one from a MAP clause in a TARGET construct.

The following table shows the final map type a mapper applies for a MAP clause that maps a list item of the given type:

  • The rows are the map-type specified by the mapper.

  • The columns are the specified map-type of the MAP clause invoking the mapper.

  • The parenthesized values in the table represent the final map type for a TARGET EXIT DATA construct that invokes a mapper.

    In this case, if the mapper specifies map-type ALLOC or TO, and the TARGET EXIT DATA MAP clause that invokes the mapper has map-type FROM, the resulting map-type is RELEASE.

Map result type of map type combinations



































If a set of DECLARE MAPPER directives result in a cyclic definition of mappers, it causes unspecified behavior.


The following example contains a DECLARE MAPPER directive that maps derived types of type my_type. The variable var has the type my_type and is used in the MAP clause to reference the derived type and its components.

The MAP clause in the DECLARE MAPPER directive specifies that all components of my_type are mapped, as well as the dynamic storage in the array section var%values(1:NUM_ELEMENTS). No map-type is specified, so the map type TOFROM is assumed.

Variables used in TARGET regions that are of type my_type will be implicitly mapped as prescribed in the DECLARE MAPPER directive’s MAP clause.

program main integer,parameter :: nvals = 250 type my_type integer :: num_vals integer, allocatable :: values(:) end type type (my_type) :: t !$omp declare mapper (my_type :: var) map (var, var%values (1:var%num_vals)) t%num_vals = nvals allocate (t%values(t%num_vals)) !$omp target call initial_vals (t) !$omp end target ... contains subroutine initial_vals (v) type (my_type) :: v v%values = 0 end subroutine initial_vals end program

The following example maps the type my_type as seen in the previous example.

Type my_type is nested within another derived type, my_type2. my_type2 is mapped by a second DECLARE MAPPER directive.

The array component unmapped is not mapped and is available on the host only. The component temp is allocated on the target and used as temporary storage on the target device. The component arr is mapped with the default map type TOFROM. The two mappers are combined when mapping variables of type my_type2.

The second DECLARE MAPPER directive uses a mapper-identifier, and maps the variable x and the array y as well as the type my_type2.

program main integer,parameter :: nvals = 250 type my_type integer :: num_vals integer, allocatable :: values(:) end type !$omp declare mapper (my_type :: var) map (var, var%values (1:var%num_vals)) type my_type2 type (my_type) :: my_type_var type (my_type) :: temp real,dimension(nvals) :: unmapped real,dimension(nvals) :: arr end type type (my_type2) :: t real :: x, y(num_vals) !$omp declare mapper (my_mapper : my_type2 :: v) map (v%arr, x, y(:)) & !$omp& map (alloc : v%temp) !$omp target map (mapper(my_mapper), tofrom : t) call calculate(t, x, y) !$omp end target ... end program