Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-FFF226C6-C5C9-47EA-9785-44A4204EDD2D
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-FFF226C6-C5C9-47EA-9785-44A4204EDD2D
QuickWin Function: Determines the behavior of direction and page keys in a QuickWin application. This routine is only available for Windows.
result = PASSDIRKEYSQQ (val)
val |
(Input) INTEGER(4) or LOGICAL(4). A value of .TRUE. causes direction and page keys to be input as normal characters (the PassDirKeys flag is turned on). A value of .FALSE. causes direction and page keys to be used for scrolling. The following constants, defined in IFQWIN.F90, can be used as integer arguments:
The return value indicates the previous setting of the PassDirKeys flag.
The return data type is the same as the data type of val; that is, either INTEGER(4) or LOGICAL(4).
When the PassDirKeys flag is turned on, the mouse must be used for scrolling since the direction and page keys are treated as normal input characters.
The PASSDIRKEYSQQ function is meant to be used primarily with the GETCHARQQ and INCHARQQ functions. Do not use normal input statements (such as READ) with the PassDirKeys flag turned on, unless your program is prepared to interpret direction and page keys.
use IFQWIN logical*4 res character*1 ch, ch1 Print *,"Type X to exit, S to scroll, D to pass Direction keys" 123 continue ch = getcharqq( ) ! check for escapes ! 0x00 0x?? is a function key ! 0xE0 0x?? is a direction key if (ichar(ch) .eq. 0) then ch1 = getcharqq() print *,"function key follows escape = ",ichar(ch), " ",ichar(ch1)," ",ch1 goto 123 else if (ichar(ch) .eq. 224) then ch1 = getcharqq() print *,"direction key follows escape = ",ichar(ch)," ",ichar(ch1)," ",ch1 goto 123 else print *,ichar(ch)," ",ch if(ch .eq. 'S') then res = passdirkeysqq(.false.) print *, "Entering Scroll mode ",res endif if(ch .eq. 'D') then res = passdirkeysqq(.true.) print *, "Entering Direction keys mode ",res endif if(ch .ne. 'X') go to 123 endif end
The following example uses an integer constant as an argument to PASSDIRKEYSQQ:
c======================================================================= c c dirkeys4.for c c======================================================================= c c Compile/Load Input Line for Standard Graphics Full Screen Window c c ifx /libs:qwins dirkeys4.for c c Compile/Load Input Line for QuickWin Graphics c c ifx /libs:qwin dirkeys4.for c c Program to illustrate how to get almost every character c from the keyboard in QuickWin or Standard Graphics mode. c Comment out the deletemenu line for Standard Graphics mode. c c If you are doing a standard graphics application, c control C will come in as a Z'03' without furtherc effort. c c In a QuickWin application, The File menu Exit item must c be deleted, and PassDirKeysQQ called with PASS_DIR_CNTRLC c to get control C. c c======================================================================= use IFQWIN integer(4) status character*1 key1,key2,ch1 write(*,*) 'Initializing' c-----don't do this for a Standard Grapics application c remove File menu Exit item. status = deletemenuqq(1,3) ! stop QuickWin from getting control C c-----set up to pass all keys to window including control c. status = passdirkeysqq(PASS_DIR_CNTRLC) c=============================================================== c c read and print characters c c=============================================================== 10 key1 = getcharqq() c-----first check for control+c if(ichar(key1) .eq. 3) then write(*,*) 'Control C Received' write(*,*) "Really want to quit?" write(*,*) "Type Y <cr> to exit, or any other char <cr> to continue." read(*,*) ch1 if(ch1.eq."y" .or. ch1.eq."Y") goto 30 goto 10 endif if(ichar(key1).eq.0) then ! function key? key2 = getcharqq() write(*,15) ichar(key1),ichar(key2),key2 15 format(1x,2i12,1x,a1,' function key') else if(ichar(key1).eq.224) then ! direction key? key2 = getcharqq() write(*,16) ichar(key1),ichar(key2),key2 16 format(1x,2i12,1x,a1,' direction key') else write(*,20) key1,ichar(key1) ! normal key 20 format(1x,a1,i11) endif endif go to 10 30 stop end