Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767251
Date 10/31/2024
Document Table of Contents


General Compiler Directive: Specifies the iterations (typical trip count) for a DO loop.

!DIR$ LOOP COUNT (n1[, n2]...)

!DIR$ LOOP COUNT= n1[, n2]...

!DIR$ LOOP COUNT qualifier(n)[, qualifier(n)]...

!DIR$ LOOP COUNT qualifier=n[, qualifier=n]...

n1, n2

Is a non-negative integer constant. It indicates that the next DO loop will iterate n1, n2, or some other number of times.


Is one or more of the following:

  • MAX - specifies the maximum loop trip count.

  • MIN - specifies the minimum loop trip count.

  • AVG - specifies the average loop trip count.

The value of the loop count affects heuristics used in software pipelining, vectorization, and loop-transformations.

There is no check at runtime to determine if the MAX or MIN values are exceeded.


Consider the following:

!DIR$ LOOP COUNT (10000) do i =1,m b(i) = a(i) +1 ! This is likely to enable the loop to get software-pipelined enddo

Note that you can specify more than one LOOP COUNT directive for a DO loop. For example, the following directives are valid:

!DIR$ LOOP COUNT (10, 20, 30) !DIR$ LOOP COUNT MAX=100, MIN=3, AVG=17 DO ...