Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-E9FD2E1C-79AF-4026-AFB7-A51B7E55200A
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-E9FD2E1C-79AF-4026-AFB7-A51B7E55200A
Dialog Subroutine: Closes an open dialog box. This routine is only available for Windows.
dlg |
(Input) Derived type dialog. Contains dialog box parameters. The components of the type dialog are defined with the PRIVATE attribute, and cannot be changed or individually accessed by the user. |
If you want to exit a dialog box on a condition other than the user selecting the OK or Cancel button, you need to include a call to DLGEXIT from within your callback routine. DLGEXIT saves the data associated with the dialog box controls and then closes the dialog box. The dialog box is exited after DLGEXIT has returned control back to the dialog manager, not immediately after the call to DLGEXIT.
SUBROUTINE EXITSUB (dlg, exit_button_id, callbacktype) USE IFLOGM TYPE (DIALOG) dlg INTEGER exit_button_id, callbacktype ... CALL DLGEXIT (dlg)