Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-4D2EC130-82E4-4B80-A3D6-90D7DAB75500
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-4D2EC130-82E4-4B80-A3D6-90D7DAB75500
Graphics Subroutine: Sets the current fill mask to a new pattern. This routine is only available for Windows.
mask |
(Input) INTEGER(1). One-dimensional array of length 8. |
There are 8 bytes in mask, and each of the 8 bits in each byte represents a pixel, creating an 8x8 pattern. The first element (byte) of mask becomes the top 8 bits of the pattern, and the eighth element (byte) of mask becomes the bottom 8 bits.
During a fill operation, pixels with a bit value of 1 are set to the current graphics color, while pixels with a bit value of zero are set to the current background color. The current graphics color is set with SETCOLORRGB or SETCOLOR. The 8-byte mask is replicated over the entire fill area. If no fill mask is set (with SETFILLMASK), or if the mask is all ones, solid current color is used in fill operations.
The fill mask controls the fill pattern for graphics routines (FLOODFILLRGB, PIE, ELLIPSE, POLYGON, and RECTANGLE).
To change the current fill mask, determine the array of bytes that corresponds to the desired bit pattern and set the pattern with SETFILLMASK, as in the following example.
This program draws six rectangles, each with a different fill mask, as shown below.
! Build as QuickWin or Standard Graphics Ap. USE IFQWIN INTEGER(1), TARGET :: style1(8) & /Z'18',Z'18',Z'18',Z'18',Z'18',Z'18',Z'18',Z'18'/ INTEGER(1), TARGET :: style2(8) & /Z'08',Z'08',Z'08',Z'08',Z'08',Z'08',Z'08',Z'08'/ INTEGER(1), TARGET :: style3(8) & /Z'18',Z'00',Z'18',Z'18',Z'18',Z'00',Z'18',Z'18'/ INTEGER(1), TARGET :: style4(8) & /Z'00',Z'08',Z'00',Z'08',Z'08',Z'08',Z'08',Z'08'/ INTEGER(1), TARGET :: style5(8) & /Z'18',Z'18',Z'00',Z'18',Z'18',Z'00',Z'18',Z'18'/ INTEGER(1), TARGET :: style6(8) & /Z'08',Z'00',Z'08',Z'00',Z'08',Z'00',Z'08',Z'00'/ INTEGER(1) oldstyle(8) ! Placeholder for old style INTEGER loop INTEGER(1), POINTER :: ptr(:) CALL GETFILLMASK( oldstyle ) ! Make 6 rectangles, each with a different fill DO loop = 1, 6 SELECT CASE (loop) CASE (1) ptr => style1 CASE (2) ptr => style2 CASE (3) ptr => style3 CASE (4) ptr => style4 CASE (5) ptr => style5 CASE (6) ptr => style6 END SELECT CALL SETFILLMASK( ptr) status = RECTANGLE($GFILLINTERIOR,INT2(loop*40+5), & INT2(90),INT2((loop+1)*40), INT2(110)) END DO CALL SETFILLMASK( oldstyle ) ! Restore old style READ (*,*) ! Wait for ENTER to be ! pressed END
The following shows the output of this program.