Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767251
Date 10/31/2024
Document Table of Contents


Inquiry Intrinsic Function (Generic): Checks whether a file is at or beyond the end-of-file record.

result = EOF (unit)


(Input) Must be of type integer. It represents a unit specifier corresponding to an open file. It cannot be zero unless you have reconnected unit zero to a unit other than the screen or keyboard.


The result type is default logical. The value of the result is .TRUE. if the file connected to unit is at or beyond the end-of-file record; otherwise, .FALSE..


! Creates a file of random numbers, reads them back REAL x, total INTEGER count OPEN (1, FILE = 'TEST.DAT') DO I = 1, 20 CALL RANDOM_NUMBER(x) WRITE (1, '(F6.3)') x * 100.0 END DO CLOSE(1) OPEN (1, FILE = 'TEST.DAT') count = 0 total = 0.0 DO WHILE (.NOT. EOF(1)) count = count + 1 READ (1, *) value total = total + value END DO 100 IF ( count .GT. 0) THEN WRITE (*,*) 'Average is: ', total / count ELSE WRITE (*,*) 'Input file is empty ' END IF STOP END

See Also